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KEYWORD "Private Landlords" - 80 RESULTS
Landlord property purchases hit record low

A lack of new investment rather than landlords selling-up is causing rental market supply issues, research suggests. The latest Hamptons Lettings Index...

23 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Can traditional BTR learn from the successes of suburban BTR?

We frequently read about how the traditional form of urban BTR has inspired the more recent model, suburban BTR. Our own...

29 June 2024

From: Features

Jonathan Rolande: Times to ask serious questions about the UK's social housing crisis

Last week the Government published new housing data which has largely gone unreported.  The vacuum was probably linked to the Budget, and...

15 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Housing Ombudsmen - our industry's new growth area

It may be a measure of the government’s incompetence in the area of housing that two recent major announcements were sorely...

02 December 2023

From: Features

Party Time - housing policies from Labour, Tories and the rest

And suddenly it’s autumn. It’s just six weeks before the clocks change, days are getting shorter and - the real sign...

09 September 2023

From: Features

Is your letting business still compliant?

Following publication of the Renter’s Reform Bill and the media coverage surrounding it, many agents and their landlords will understandably have...

27 May 2023

From: Features

Section 21 use ‘ overstated’, according to LRG research

A controversial change due to be brought about in the proposed Renters’ Reform Bill is the abolition of Section 21 ‘no...

15 April 2023

From: Features

What To Expect from the Property Market in 2023

Over the later part of 2022, we have experienced unprecedented economic and political turmoil, which will remain as we head into...

17 December 2022

From: Features

2023 - this is what’s going to happen

Is it really just a year ago that we were nervously wondering whether yet another Christmas would be Covid-affected? Little did we...

10 December 2022

From: Features

Four compliance findings from the English Private Landlords Survey

Are landlords following the law? To answer this question, the Government grouped answers from its English Private Landlords Survey 2022 according...

15 October 2022

From: Features

How to prepare for the Fairer Private Rented Sector Shake-Up

With the government releasing details on the Fairer Private Rented Sector, landlords and letting agents are looking for ways to maintain...

03 August 2022

From: Features

Three regulatory updates agents need to know about in 2022

A wide range of upcoming legislative changes will affect the private rented sector. From new carbon monoxide alarm regulations to renters...

16 July 2022

From: Features

Agents prepare for planning overhaul as sector digests Queen's Speech

Agents have pledged to keep a close eye on planning reforms amid a proposed overhaul announced in the Queen’s Speech yesterday. Prince...

11 May 2022

From: Breaking News

Right To Buy - what on earth is government playing at?

What a difference two months and some local elections make. Cast your minds back to March 9 and the annual report of...

07 May 2022

From: Features

Short term lets - what’s the extent of the problem?

Timothy Douglas, Head of Policy and Campaigns at Propertymark, analyses the impact that the lack of available data is having on...

19 February 2022

From: Features

“No market” for some prime London flats without outside space

A leading buying agency says that while prime central London’s property market shows clear signs of recovery, a weak area remains...

27 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Build To Rent - why is it so cold and unfriendly?

Let’s begin with total transparency from this author: I believe there’s a place for Build To Rent in the wider portfolio...

27 November 2021

From: Features

Former Housing Secretary dies at the age of 53

Former Housing Secretary James Brokenshire has died at the age of 53. The Conservative ex-Cabinet minister, who was diagnosed with lung cancer...

08 October 2021

From: Breaking News

Large family homes may be bought to house Afghan refugees

Media reports suggest the government is considering offering grants to local authorities to purchase private family houses which are larger than...

25 August 2021

From: Breaking News

Could an adjustment to BTL Stamp Duty improve the lettings market?

The Stamp Duty holiday has been very beneficial for hundreds of thousands of buyers looking to take advantage of savings, even...

16 June 2021

From: Features

Vote, Vote, Vote - Housing and the 2021 Local Elections

Local elections rarely set the pulse racing and this year’s poll on Thursday faces a similar problem. But this time, it’s a...

01 May 2021

From: Features

Prince Philip: how the property landscape changed during his century

For many, the funeral of HRH Prince Philip will be a solemn affair, while for some it will also be a...

17 April 2021

From: Features

Spring lettings market update – Pets, eviction ban and landlords selling up

Unsurprisingly it’s been a busy few months in the property market so far this year, and a busy few months in...

27 March 2021

From: Features

How to ensure your letting business remains compliant

Being a letting agent today means keeping up to date with the long list of rules and regulations governing how a...

20 February 2021

From: Features

Latest legislation – how can agents and landlords be compliant?

In recent years, the extent and role of the private rented sector (PRS) in the housing market has seen significant changes. The...

24 October 2020

From: Features

Revealed: What today's renters want, need and expect

Life as we know it has changed – for everybody – and what tenants want, need and expect in this post-pandemic...

15 August 2020

From: Features

Stamp duty holiday: the first change to benefit landlords in years

As expected within the property industry, the Chancellor announced a stamp duty holiday in his Summer Statement. This now means that...

25 July 2020

From: Features

It doesn’t have to be like Spicerhaart - another agent’s approach…

While controversy swirls around the approach and motives of the sackings and branch closures at Spicerhaart, other agents are showing how...

23 March 2020

From: Breaking News

Electrical checks – how to get ahead of the current

By now, most letting agents and landlords will have heard about the draft legislation laid in Parliament concerning a mandatory minimum...

04 March 2020

From: Features

What next for property in 2020?

After a year dogged by Brexit deadlock, political turmoil, and slow growth, estate agents’ confidence in the property market hit a...

04 January 2020

From: Features

Big Tory win: but agents warn over Stamp Duty and Section 21

It’s a substantial Tory government for the next five years: what does this mean for estate agents, property and the market? We have...

13 December 2019

From: Breaking News

General election 2019: The housing crisis remains a top issue

With Brexit still unresolved, the domestic agenda has been pushed from the headlines by the seemingly overwhelming public and political discord...

07 December 2019

From: Features

Home Logbooks, Property MOTs and agent regulation demanded by NAEA

The National Association of Estate Agents and the Association of Residential Letting Agents have issued their manifesto for next month’s General...

05 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Party Conferences: what agents should look out for

If you thought - perhaps hoped - that five weeks of prorogued Parliament meant a break from politics, think again: the...

14 September 2019

From: Features

PropTech Today: Can €19 million disrupt an entire sector?

News this week tells of Zehomes, the German property management company, raising €13 million in Series-A funding, bringing its all-time total...

21 August 2019

From: Breaking News

Blond ambition - Does Boris Johnson have any housing policies?

Britain lives in fundamentalist black-and-white times - all the more surprising when the country's most divisive point of contention sits on...

22 June 2019

From: Features

Stamp Duty plummets by £1 billion following surcharge backfire

New figures from HM Revenue and Customs suggest that stamp duty receipts have fallen by no less than £1 billion. The drop...

25 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Stop indulging councils over rental licensing and local schemes

It’s time, surely, for government to crackdown not just on rogue agents and landlords but on rogue councils that confuse the...

09 March 2019

From: Features

No more ‘no DSS’ – is the government wasting its time?

Last week, the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government announced a number of measures aimed at further tackling homelessness, including...

09 March 2019

From: Features

This needs to be the start of redress reform, not the end

The dust may have settled on the government’s recent announcement regarding housing and property complaints, but opinion is still split on...

09 February 2019

From: Features

Simon Duce, Managing Director.

ARPM  Who are you and what does it say on your business card? Simon Duce, Managing Director. What is ARPM and what does it...

01 February 2019

From: 60 Second Interview

NAEA and Guild back government's new Housing Complaints service

  The National Association of Estate Agents and the Association of Residential Lettings Agents have thrown their weight behind the government’s latest...

25 January 2019

From: Breaking News

Government unveils 'Complaints Resolution Service' for property industry

The government has this morning set out wide-ranging changes to redress systems for agents, the sales and lettings sectors, and other...

24 January 2019

From: Breaking News

Redress revamp: more details to be revealed within weeks

The government says it will be releasing details of its ideas to revamp redress systems concerning agents and new homes “in...

02 January 2019

From: Breaking News

Property Jobs Today - the latest industry movers and shakers

Two weeks to Christmas but no sign of our industry slowing down with more job moves announced in recent days.  Please let...

10 December 2018

From: Breaking News

Three-year tenancies will have biggest impact when things go wrong

Amid the headline-grabbing political manoeuvring over Brexit, a policy proposal which could have serious ramifications for private landlords, and those who...

14 July 2018

From: Features

Ombudsman to hold Rightmove webinar as redress race hots up

The Property Ombudsman, Katrine Sporle, is to hold a briefing on the government’s redress reform on Wednesday - five days before...

09 April 2018

From: Breaking News

Government launches surprise consultation on property redress

The government has launched a surprise consultation on the creation of a new redress system for customers of agents and others...

18 February 2018

From: Breaking News

Property experts reveal their Autumn Budget wishlist

The housing industry has set out a list of demands in advance of the government’s hotly anticipated Autumn Budget on Wednesday.  Despite...

18 November 2017

From: Features

Party conference season - A housing plan for UK Plc

And so concludes another party conference season.  We’ve followed the great and the good (both terms are debatable) around Torbay, Bournemouth,...

07 October 2017

From: Features

Three reasons why we need stamp duty reform

Whenever any research is released, part of me can’t help thinking of that old adage, ‘lies, damn lies and statistics’ especially...

02 September 2017

From: Features

Charity blasts stamp duty critics 'wanting to sell £1m-plus mansions'

Shelter, the campaigning charity that has been hugely critical of private landlords and letting agents in recent years, has now launched...

17 August 2017

From: Breaking News

PropTech Today: The long-term future of renting is short-term lettings

You may have heard that Airbnb and property management company, Lavanda has closed a £1 million angel investment round.  Backers include Purplebricks...

19 July 2017

From: Breaking News

Scrap the bureaucracy and let’s have simple rental regulation

That the private rental sector has become the government’s whipping boy for housing problems - landlords in particular, letting agents almost...

14 July 2017

From: Features

Investor consultancy wants new government to lay off property

London Central Portfolio, a property investment consultancy, has set out a five point plan for the next government elected this week...

05 June 2017

From: Breaking News

What does the future hold for the buy-to-let market?

Over the past two decades, investing in buy-to-let has been a relatively easy way to make money, which is why so...

25 February 2017

From: Features

Buy-to-let mortgages: What opportunities and challenges lie ahead?

The rapid growth in popularity of buy-to-let in recent years, fuelled in part by the failings of the pensions industry, has...

17 February 2017

From: Features

What we learnt about the Government post-White Paper

If you work in lettings, I’ll already have a pretty good idea on how you feel about the current Conservative Government.  The...

11 February 2017

From: Features

What next for the rental market in 2017?

The rental market has had to face a raft of changes over the past year, including the introduction of the 3% stamp...

14 January 2017

From: Features

Are landlords about to ditch letting agents and go it alone?

Next year is likely to be a challenging time for letting agents, following a raft of changes introduced by the government...

09 December 2016

From: Features

Rent rises are inevitable after tax clampdown on buy-to-let

Buy-to-let landlords may have failed in their recent legal battle against planned government tax relief changes for buy-to-let homes set to...

14 October 2016

From: Features

Around 400 homes sold off by infamous buy to let investment couple

Fergus and Judith Wilson, at one time considered to be Britain’s biggest private landlords, have sold off an estimated 400 of...

12 September 2016

From: Breaking News

Is buy-to-let investing still a safe bet?

The huge rush to acquire buy-to-let property in the first quarter of the year ahead of the stamp duty change deadline...

09 September 2016

From: Features

What does Sadiq Khan’s victory mean for housing in London?

The new mayor of London Sadiq Khan has pledged to do all in his power to help make London “better” after...

12 May 2016

From: Features

Britain’s best letting agents

Here are the top letting agents in Britain who go above and beyond to help their customers, as voted for by...

10 May 2016

From: Features

London mayoral election: A referendum on housing

The race to replace London Mayor Boris Johnson has entered its final few days, and like never before, housing is the...

29 April 2016

From: Features

Tax and Buy-to-Let – how short are our memories?

We talk about the unstoppable rise of buy-to-let and forget that it was only as recently as the early 1970’s that...

08 April 2016

From: Features

Have we reached tipping point for many private landlords?

With less than a month to go before the new rate of stamp duty kicks in for second property purchasers, we’re...

18 March 2016

From: Features

You read it here first: What to look for in Osborne’s Budget

When it comes to Budgets and Property, you have to hope that the old adage that ‘things happen in threes’ turns...

12 March 2016

From: Features

Stamp duty and buy to let tax changes: Readers' views put to David Cameron

In January readers of Estate Agent Today and Letting Agent Today were given the opportunity to give their views on proposed...

25 January 2016

From: Features

A New Year’s Resolution for every landlord – make someone love you

Once you go beyond the industry’s anger about the Chancellor’s three per cent stamp duty surcharge – and that’s an anger...

27 November 2015

From: Features

‘Between a rock and a harder place'

Stephen Moss, CEO of Pring.co.uk the UK’s leading property investment search engine, takes a look at the impact of ‘Corbynmania’ on...

28 October 2015

From: Sponsored Content

Investment portal attracts 5,000 agents

A web portal which radically changes the way investors search for their next investment property has signed up 5,000 agents, less...

07 October 2015

From: Sponsored Content

Build To Let: A threat or a challenge to agents?

If there’s one thing that looks like a good move right now, it’s becoming a letting agent.  Whereas some years ago we...

18 September 2015

From: Features

Alex Chesterman Q & A: The Results

Readers of Estate Agent Today and Letting Agent Today were given an exclusive opportunity to pose questions to Zoopla Property Group...

14 September 2015

From: Features

We’re all disrupters now

It’s become almost obligatory for start-ups in many industries – frequently online agents in the selling and letting business – to...

04 September 2015

From: Features

Say no to George before housing crisis

A new website has been launched to fight back against the attack George Osborne made in the Summer Budget on the...

21 August 2015

From: Features

Portals should carry private sales plus agents' stock - claim

An opinion poll of over 2,000 people conducted for The House Shop shows that a majority of people would use a...

21 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Agents unhappy at Osborne's Buy To Let and Non Dom measures

Agents have expressed their disappointment at the decision by the government to restrict mortgage interest relief for Buy To let investors...

09 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Huge rise in referrals to The Property Ombudsman

There was a whopping 42 per cent rise in referrals to The Property Ombudsman last year according to the annual report...

21 April 2015

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal