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KEYWORD "Right to Buy" - 97 RESULTS
Building sites and battlegrounds - will Labour’s 1.5m new homes plan collapse?

The new Government’s plan to ‘Get Britain Building’ is ambitious, to say the least.    And it is central to their mission, not...

20 July 2024

From: Features

Every home EPC rated B or above in 10 years - party pledge

A political party is pledging that if elected it will make every home in the UK have an EPC rating of...

13 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Unintended consequences of 'rushed' leasehold law

In what are some of the biggest changes to the residential leasehold sector in the last 21 years since the Commonhold...

01 June 2024

From: Features

Industry Views - The Housing Battleground for General Election 2024

So we’ve been sent the ‘Save The Date’ card - it’s July 4. Now all we need is the invitation to the...

25 May 2024

From: Features

Radical reform of Right To Buy demanded by industry group

A property industry group has called for a reduction in the discounts available for council tenants buying their own home, after...

24 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Jonathan Rolande: Times to ask serious questions about the UK's social housing crisis

Last week the Government published new housing data which has largely gone unreported.  The vacuum was probably linked to the Budget, and...

15 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Wrong To Buy - our worst ever housing policy

What a waste. Islington council announced in recent days that it will buy back 310 ex-council houses this winter, to add to...

21 October 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - The long arm of the law that changed the property market

It was a genuine pleasure to read this week about Yorkshire estate agent Ian Bradbury who clocked up 40 years selling...

19 August 2023

From: Features

Analysis: What did Boris Johnson do for the UK property market during his 3 years as Prime Minister?

Time is up for Boris Johnson's tenure as Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party, serving 3 years and 44...

17 September 2022

From: Features

What is Right to Buy and am I eligible?

In this Guides & Tips piece, the team at Together set out what Right to Buy is and who is eligible. If...

21 July 2022

From: Legislation & Compliance

Agency groups hope to 'maintain momentum' with new Housing Secretary

Estate agency trade body Propertymark is hoping to “maintain momentum” with newly appointed Housing Secretary Greg Clark. He replaces Michael Gove, who...

08 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Why everyone in the property industry must focus on supply

Anyone working in the property market should have at least one eye on supply. Of course, it’s a constant issue for...

02 July 2022

From: Features

Opinion: Bank of England rate rises are nonsense and will increase inflation

The Bank of England’s continued rise in interest rates – the latest being a shift up to 1.25% - is, in...

25 June 2022

From: Features

Housing Secretary: 'We don't know how Right to Buy will be funded yet'

The government’s new Right to Buy policy for housing association tenants appeared to unravel last night after the Housing Secretary said...

14 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Agency trade body calls for stamp duty exemptions as part of housing reforms

Agency trade body Propertymark has called for the government’s housing market reforms to go further and has even suggested targeted stamp...

13 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Why are landlords so unpopular?

This question is not as flippant as it sounds because over recent years the status of the private landlord has taken...

11 June 2022

From: Features

Property market questions pace and funding of PM's housing reforms

Property professionals and MPs were left wanting more after Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s much-anticipated housing announcements yesterday. Johnson yesterday promised a review...

10 June 2022

From: Breaking News

PM unveils mortgage and benefits review to boost homeownership

Boris Johnson has promised a review of the mortgage market and housing benefit rules to help more people to get on...

09 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Mortgage and Right to Buy overhaul expected today

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to unveil a flagship policy today to help more people onto the property ladder. It is...

09 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Home ownership policy promised as PM survives no-confidence vote

A significant housing announcement has been promised by Prime Minister Boris Johnson as a part of a sweetener that saw him...

07 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Extending Right to Buy won’t fix the housing shortage

Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently announced that he is considering extending Margaret Thatcher’s Right-to-Buy scheme, that gives council tenants the chance to...

14 May 2022

From: Features

Right To Buy - what on earth is government playing at?

What a difference two months and some local elections make. Cast your minds back to March 9 and the annual report of...

07 May 2022

From: Features

Lies, Damned Lies, and House Building Targets

We’ve probably all learned to be a little less cynical about politicians in recent weeks, given the tragic events. We perhaps...

30 October 2021

From: Features

Top Tories set up firm to buy back former council houses

Former Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond and strategist Sir Lynton Crosby - the architect of many Conservative election campaigns -...

19 July 2021

From: Breaking News

The Holiday Home Debate - Don’t Let Politicians Get Away With It

At first sight it’s a tough ask to defend holiday homes when there’s evidence that many who want to buy can’t,...

10 July 2021

From: Features

Vote, Vote, Vote - Housing and the 2021 Local Elections

Local elections rarely set the pulse racing and this year’s poll on Thursday faces a similar problem. But this time, it’s a...

01 May 2021

From: Features

Prince Philip: how the property landscape changed during his century

For many, the funeral of HRH Prince Philip will be a solemn affair, while for some it will also be a...

17 April 2021

From: Features

House prices to drop 10% thanks to virus, warns OnTheMarket partner

A mortgage broker that’s just become a partner of OnTheMarket is warning that house prices are likely to fall 10 per...

23 March 2020

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: what has the last decade meant for the property industry?

Yes, believe it or not, we’ve nearly reached the end of a whole decade. And what an eventful decade it’s been. We’ve...

14 December 2019

From: Features

General election 2019: The housing crisis remains a top issue

With Brexit still unresolved, the domestic agenda has been pushed from the headlines by the seemingly overwhelming public and political discord...

07 December 2019

From: Features

Election 2019: what agents should expect from the main parties

It’s on - although judging by the early lack of enthusiasm amongst the British public, you might be forgiven for thinking...

01 November 2019

From: Breaking News

How can the government help the millions of 'trapped' movers?

There’s no doubt that we live in politically charged times and every day appears to bring something new to the ‘party’. For...

05 October 2019

From: Features

Will the current political landscape encourage Generation Rent to vote?

In recent years, governments and local councils have sought to change the private rented sector (PRS) to make it more appealing...

28 September 2019

From: Features

 Has Labour backed off from its controversial Right To Buy policy?

Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, who earlier this month told a newspaper that he wanted to introduce a Right To Buy policy for...

24 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Government ‘trying to put a lid on house price rises’ admits minister

The new housing minister has admitted that her party has tried to “put a lid” on house price rises and has...

17 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Party Conferences: what agents should look out for

If you thought - perhaps hoped - that five weeks of prorogued Parliament meant a break from politics, think again: the...

14 September 2019

From: Features

Agent stands up for industry as MPs squabble over Brexit and election

A leading London estate agent has written to The Times dismissing MPs who have been squabbling over Brexit and a possible...

04 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Now is not the time for ‘BoJo Bravado’

If you’d asked me at the start of the year how I thought the political landscape might look now, I wouldn’t...

03 August 2019

From: Features

Theresa May’s legacy - how has housing fared under her government?

Theresa May arrived in Downing Street some three years ago - but her premiership has not been a smooth ride. As she...

06 July 2019

From: Features

Back to the future? A home ownership crisis

With this summer marking forty years since Margaret Thatcher came to power, her legacy continues to invoke both celebration and consternation...

06 July 2019

From: Features

Blond ambition - Does Boris Johnson have any housing policies?

Britain lives in fundamentalist black-and-white times - all the more surprising when the country's most divisive point of contention sits on...

22 June 2019

From: Features

So farewell Theresa May and thanks for...well, not much

No, this isn’t about Brexit. But as the saga of leaving the EU is likely to bring about the downfall of...

13 April 2019

From: Features

Shelter and Generation Rent? Radical? Don’t make me laugh…

Campaigning groups like Generation Rent and Shelter like to think they are simultaneously edgy and radical; likewise some think tanks believe...

30 March 2019

From: Features

Don't rely on politicians to solve housing crisis, says Phil Spencer

Phil Spencer is on the warpath against “constant tinkering” by government in housing matters - and instead, he wants the problems...

02 January 2019

From: Breaking News

Forget narrow demands - Work together for more homes

Any day now we’ll hear the date for the Autumn Budget: it may be delayed to wait for a Brexit deal...

15 September 2018

From: Features

'Voluntary Right To Buy' pilot launched in one region

A regional pilot has been launched for what is called the Voluntary Right to Buy - a scheme giving housing association...

17 August 2018

From: Breaking News

Government quietly scraps controversial sell-off of large homes

The government has quietly scrapped a proposal to force councils to sell off their most valuable assets, which would have included...

16 August 2018

From: Breaking News

New service aims to help 'Right Of First Refusal' leasehold flat owners

A new website has been set up specifically to help leasehold flat owners who have been served a Section 5 Notice...

04 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Right To Buy: top agency hints at need for 'fundamental review'

Savills has suggested that it may be time for a fundamental review of what’s left of the flagship policy of Margaret...

20 June 2018

From: Breaking News

May's new housing adviser is ex-Shelter ex-Livingstone policy chief

Theresa May has appointed a controversial former Shelter executive as her new housing policy adviser working in Whitehall. Toby Lloyd was until...

01 May 2018

From: Breaking News

Right To Buy is unsustainable without new homes, say councils

Right To Buy is unsustainable without local councils being given the right to set discounts for their areas and replacing every...

06 February 2018

From: Breaking News

Advertising watchdog slaps down House Raffle competition wording

The Advertising Standards Authority has told the organisers of a house raffle that they must not repeat a promotion because of...

13 December 2017

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: it’s time to party (political-style)

In this week’s Natter I’m going to get all political. Don’t worry, I won’t be giving my opinions on Brexit, Trump...

02 September 2017

From: Features

Property Natter - a short history of estate agency

Property has been changing hands for centuries, but when did estate agents as we know them today – with their branches,...

04 August 2017

From: Features

An inconvenient truth - Help To Buy mostly helps the better off

Government schemes like Help To Buy, supposedly assisting more people get on the ladder, have little impact on improving social mobility...

04 July 2017

From: Breaking News

Controversial £2.875m raffle of Right To Buy house is back on

The controversial raffle of a home reportedly purchased in 2014 under the Right To Buy scheme for just £360,000 is back...

30 June 2017

From: Breaking News

General election 2017: Facing the UK’s housing crisis

Theresa May’s call for a snap general election on June 8 took many by surprise. But estate agents have been broadly...

03 June 2017

From: Features

Manifesto wants new Land Value Tax and urges Right To Buy scrapped

The Green Party, one of the final political groups to launch their manifesto for the June 8 General Election, wants an end...

23 May 2017

From: Breaking News

Tories propose house buying reforms in election manifesto

The Conservatives have this morning announced a reform of the house buying process in the party’s manifesto for the June 8...

18 May 2017

From: Breaking News

New homes must be marketed to Britons first, say Liberal Democrats

The Liberal Democrats have set a building target of 300,000 new homes a year, have pledged to scrap housing association Right...

18 May 2017

From: Breaking News

New homes: where is the supply being concentrated?

Since the seventies, housing starts and completions across England and Wales have been on a downward trajectory. The long run average...

12 May 2017

From: Features

Councils 'spending millions' buying back Right To Buy properties

An investigation by the BBC has revealed that councils are spending million buying back homes they sold at a discount under...

04 May 2017

From: Breaking News

Another part of the UK prepares to scrap Right To Buy

Wales is the latest part of the UK to formally scrap the policy which was once the flagship of Margaret Thatcher’s...

14 March 2017

From: Breaking News

Quote, unquote - What the industry said in 2016

Forecasts are so last year: who anticipated Bowie, Brexit or Balls for example? Quotes, on the other hand, really ARE last year...

17 December 2016

From: Features

ICYMI: What agents need to know from the Autumn Statement

In case you missed it yesterday, here’s a summary of everything relating to property that was in Chancellor Phillip Hammond’s Autumn...

24 November 2016

From: Breaking News

Autumn Statement: The property industry's wish list for Philip Hammond

It may still be too early to start compiling a Christmas wish list, but it is the right time to provide...

19 November 2016

From: Features

Agent and conveyancer relationships must go beyond the bottom line

Working relationships between estate agents and conveyancers can be mutually beneficial with the referral of work between parties. However, they are missing...

12 November 2016

From: Features

Is buy-to-let investing still a safe bet?

The huge rush to acquire buy-to-let property in the first quarter of the year ahead of the stamp duty change deadline...

09 September 2016

From: Features

Little England is out of step – on Right To Buy, at the very least

If you want an indicator that the United Kingdom isn’t so united any more, have a look at Right To Buy. The...

12 August 2016

From: Features

Councils replacing only one-in-six homes sold under Right To Buy

Councils have started replacing just one sixth of the number of homes sold under Right To Buy in England in the...

12 August 2016

From: Breaking News

Another part of the UK is set to scrap Right To Buy

Wales has confirmed that it is to scrap the former flagship Thatcherite policy of Right To Buy. Since 1980, 138,423 homes have been...

09 August 2016

From: Breaking News

First part of the UK finally scraps Right To Buy

Right To Buy - the controversial sell-off of council and housing association homes initially introduced as a flagship of Margaret Thatcher’s...

01 August 2016

From: Breaking News

MIRAS: Could Theresa May go back to the future?

I’m indebted to one of the most enthusiastic estate agents I’ve had the pleasure of meeting for suggesting the subject of...

15 July 2016

From: Features

Council in Right To Buy media probe prosecutes fraud-case tenant

A man has been prosecuted for fraudulently attempting to purchase a Right To Buy council property from one of the local...

23 June 2016

From: Breaking News

London mayoral election: A referendum on housing

The race to replace London Mayor Boris Johnson has entered its final few days, and like never before, housing is the...

29 April 2016

From: Features

50,000 Right To Buy homes sold since 2012 but only 5,000 replacements started

Government figures claim almost 50,000 households in council and other forms of social housing have taken up their Right To Buy...

29 March 2016

From: Breaking News

Bungalows vulnerable under government sell-off, says think-tank

Bungalows are likely to be sold-off as a by-product the government’s plans to extend Right To Buy, but are unlikely to...

04 March 2016

From: Breaking News

Housing reviews: A little less conversation, a little more action...

As we all know, Peter Redfern is critical to the future of the British housing market and.... What? Wait? You don’t know...

13 February 2016

From: Features

The weather outside is frightful – A new starter home would be delightful

So this weekend some of us will see our first snow of the season. Harsh weather, Christmas adverts and winter generally...

20 November 2015

From: Features

70,000 new households a year can't afford to buy or rent says agency

Over the next five years at least 70,000 new households a year in England alone will be unable to afford to...

17 November 2015

From: Breaking News

Government clampdown on slow planners in bid to get more new homes

The government is telling councils to produce local plans for new homes in their area by 2017 – or Whitehall will...

13 October 2015

From: Breaking News

Has Corbyn Labour-proofed lettings?

The party's over. It's probably the best double entendre in the world of politics right now. For centre or right-leaning Labour...

25 September 2015

From: Features

Agent secures £1.2m record price for an ex-council flat

London agency Barnard Marcus has secured what is believed to be a record sale price for a former council flat -...

17 August 2015

From: Breaking News

Corbyn will end Right To Buy and keep Green Belt

Labour leadership front-runner Jeremy Corbyn says he would vote for a complete end to all forms of Right To Buy and...

06 August 2015

From: Breaking News

A new twist on the right to buy

Competition is hot among home buyers in my part of southern England to take ownership of properties that come onto the...

24 July 2015

From: Features

Latest Right To Buy idea may be watered down

The House of Lords has set the cat amongst the pigeons on the government proposal to give housing association tenants the...

22 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Budget - Buy To Let interest relief changes plus Non-Dom clampdown

The Chancellor, George Osborne, has announced a series of measures impacting on the property industry, including:   Mortgage interest relief for buy-to-let homebuyers...

08 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Government housing action plan coming this week

The government says it will publish an action plan this week to explain how it is going to implement some of...

06 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Boris lobbying government to change Right To Buy

The Financial Times says London Mayor and new Conservative MP Boris Johnson is lobbying the government in a bid to persuade...

02 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Government says 36,000 Right To Buy sales in three years

The government claims that over 36,000 new home owners have been created through Right to Buy since 2012. Figures released by the...

26 June 2015

From: Breaking News

Property industry reacts to Housing Bill

The  new government has announced its legislative plans for housing in the coming year.  In the first all-Conservative Queen’s Speech since 1996,...

28 May 2015

From: Breaking News

Right to Buy extension confirmed in Queen’s Speech

The Conservative Party’s manifesto pledge to extend the Right to Buy scheme was confirmed in yesterday’s Housing Bill.  The Bill was part...

28 May 2015

From: Breaking News

Hollinrake backs Right To Buy extension despite controversy

Hunters founder and new Conservative MP Kevin Hollinrake says he supports the Tory policy of extending Right To Buy to housing...

20 May 2015

From: Breaking News

The spotlight on our sector will not diminish, despite the result of the election

I write this article on the day of the General Election so you’ll forgive the political analogies. In particular, how any...

08 May 2015

From: Features

Blair and Heath top 'price rise premiers' league table

Margaret Thatcher may have given the country Right To Buy and David Cameron has created Help To Buy but when it...

23 April 2015

From: Breaking News

Letter from the Publisher – What are the challenger parties saying about housing?

With another hung parliament looking increasingly likely, the so-called ‘challenger parties’ look set to have a major say in who forms...

23 April 2015

From: Features

Tory housing chief says Right To Buy 'is risky'

Former Conservative housing minister Kris Hopkins warned two years ago that allowing housing associations to sell their stock was a policy...

22 April 2015

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal