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KEYWORD "Property Natter" - 100 RESULTS
Property Natter: The swings and roundabouts of the predictions business

The predictions game can be tricky. Sometimes you just don’t know whether to stick or twist. As reported in Estate Agent Today...

31 August 2024

From: Features

Property Natter: Will first-timers be thrown a Budget lifeline?

The expected dip in mortgage rates following the Bank of England’s base rate cut continued this week with NatWest’s lowest price...

17 August 2024

From: Features

Property Natter: The first cut is the deepest… for all of us

At last! Well, they say small is beautiful and, if you’re in the property sector right now, you’d better believe it! The...

03 August 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - Why are we waiting? Delays are suffocating…

It’s so good to see housing at the top of the government’s agenda for change. Finally! The housing crisis has been met...

20 July 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...

This week I reached the point of maximum political saturation. We’re now four weeks into the campaign with less than a...

22 June 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - Mistakes, milkshakes and military memories - what a week!

In a week when the election campaign descended into claim and counterclaim of lies over tax plans and Nigel Farage was...

08 June 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - July election could be a winner for the property market

Could it be that a politician has finally done the property market a favour? Rishi Sunak’s decision to call the general election...

25 May 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - On manoeuvres with OnTheMarket

It’s more than 100 days since global real estate tech giants CoStar Group acquired struggling property portal, OnTheMarket. If you cast your...

11 May 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - Here comes Summer.... or maybe Autumn?

We all know that first-time buyers have had a tough time of it lately. Mad mini-budgets resulting in higher interest rates...

27 April 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - Buyers 'tak' the high road to stronger market

When we talk in general terms about the UK housing market, we tend to draw a picture of generality. Facts and figures...

13 April 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - An Englishman's home is his castle.....more or less!

Interesting report this week in Estate Agent Today on an analysis by the Resolution Foundation thinktank which suggests that the UK’s...

30 March 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - Inspiring and uplifting - but the challenge goes on

As most of the regular readers of this column will know (and because I’m not shy about admitting it) – I’ve...

16 March 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - Business as usual with the new normal....if the price is right

I was chatting to a genuine city gent the other day (someone who has enjoyed a career in suits, ties, shares...

02 March 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - When Angels rose from the ashes (part ll)

In my last Natter, I recounted the story of how Angels media bounced back from the 2008 financial crisis by launching...

17 February 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - Marching bravely forward with eyes fixed firmly on the past

Everyone’s a pundit these days, aren’t they? And January is pundit season – when a New Year starts, out come the...

20 January 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - New beginnings and cups of kindness

Let’s start at the very beginning - Happy New Year. Now, let’s give thanks to the guy who made January 1st...

06 January 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - What a difference a year makes

As 2023 trundles towards the buffers and we look forward to our Christmas break, it is something of a seasonal phenomenon...

23 December 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - Please don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

So Christmas is coming – soon. Traditionally a time for reflection on what’s past and prediction on what’s to come. Last week...

09 December 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - I feel the need. The need for speed-ier house purchases

It was actor Charlies Sheen who said: ‘I have one speed. I have one gear. Go!’ The same might not be said...

25 November 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - Going for growth? United we stand...

It was US disability rights advocate, Helen Keller, who said: ‘alone, we can do so little, together we can do so...

11 November 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - Estate Agency…it’s a people thing

You’ll know by now that I’m a fully signed up member of the PropTech fan club. And I’ve had an exciting...

28 October 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - Prime suspects in a same-day delivery world

Proptech – it’s a people thing. It might seem like a strange thing to say but the best of tech is a...

14 October 2023

From: Features

Storm blows in reasons to be cheerful

As much of the country battened down the hatches for the first storm of the season, there may have been a...

30 September 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - Ready, steady, go?

Funny how time flies faster as you get older and I’m reminded that next week, (23rd September, to be precise) it...

16 September 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - Oh brother, where art thou?

I sometimes wonder just how far our national obsession with buying our own homes will stretch. First-time buyers are prepared to save...

02 September 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - The long arm of the law that changed the property market

It was a genuine pleasure to read this week about Yorkshire estate agent Ian Bradbury who clocked up 40 years selling...

19 August 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - 'Swipe right for business revolution'

After a bumpy six months media-wise, I was fascinated to see that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle chose a tech-based project...

05 August 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - No more working for a week or two....

‘Schools out for Summer’ as the Alice Cooper song goes and the kids are not the only ones looking forward to...

22 July 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - The good, the bad…and the ugly

Interesting news from Leaders Romans Group (LRG) this week when they revealed sales figures across the group for June. Nationally, sales figures...

08 July 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - This is a time when PropTech means business

Well as week’s come and go, this one’s been a bit of a downer but it is always worth remembering that...

24 June 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - ValPal AI launches revolutionary tool for property professionals

ValPal has announced an advanced AI technology tool designed to help agents generate property profiles in a snap. With ValPal AI, property...

10 June 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - See a purse and pick it up and all the day you’ll have good luck

Great story this week about the estate agent in St John’s Wood who found a purse in the back of a...

27 May 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - They do it with mirrors...

Sleight of hand, optical illusion, card up the sleeve – we all love a good conjuring trick, don’t we? And they say...

13 May 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - Fancy that! First time buyers drive recovery

As Tennyson once observed…’.In the Spring, a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of love…’.but not really. At the moment the...

29 April 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - No dire straits…but no money for nothing, either

The RICS Residential Survey Report for March caused a bit of a stir this week – despite the fact that it...

15 April 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - Damned if you do and damned if you don't

  It's not often that I have sympathy for our glorious leaders – those who set the rules by which we all...

25 March 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - Memories of times past while marching bravely forward

I’ve found myself in contemplative mode this week, looking forward to the future and remembering times past. In the immediate future –...

11 March 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - It’s not what you know…it’s all about connections

I don’t want to frighten any professional scribblers and wizard wordsmiths out there, but as a matter of geeky interest, this...

25 February 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - Incoming! It’s hard work to figure out the housing market

Lies, damned lies, and statistics this week. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel as though I’m being bombarded...

11 February 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - When the going gets tough, agents get growing

One of the nice things about this time of year is that slowly, ever so slowly, we begin to emerge from...

28 January 2023

From: Features

Property Natter - 2023? Keep calm and carry on

Happy New Year, to you all. Now that we’re all back in harness and Christmas feels like a long-distant memory, I...

14 January 2023

From: Features

Property Natter – the five biggest property moments of 2022

As we get ever closer to 2023, this final Natter of the year is dedicated to the five biggest property moments of...

17 December 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – interview with Zoopla’s Charlie Bryant

Here at Angels Media towers, we’re always keen to get the biggest names in the business on board for interviews. And that...

03 December 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – is this the end for fixed-fee online estate agency?

Aside from all the news surrounding the Autumn Statement this week, which will have a significant bearing on the property market...

19 November 2022

From: Features

Property Natter - day in the life of a NTSELAT policy manager

Given their leading role in the recent upfront information revolution, interest in the work of the National Trading Standards Estate &...

05 November 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – property is holding its own despite the turmoil

I can’t really write about anything else this week, can I? Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have...

22 October 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – why brand reputation is more crucial for smaller firms

In tougher times – as is the case now, post-Covid, post-Brexit, cost-of-living crisis, war in Ukraine, etc – reputation and consumer...

08 October 2022

From: Features

Property Natter - how can agents combat the cost-of-living crisis?

The worst cost-of-living crisis in generations is everywhere we look and agents – and the property industry more widely – are...

24 September 2022

From: Features

Property Natter - why housing must always have a seat at the top table

First off, my own quick tribute to the Queen, who died on Thursday afternoon aged 96. Despite her age and declining...

10 September 2022

From: Features

Property Natter - a day in the life of a mortgage broker

In this latest Day in the Life of...Natter, I get an insight into one of the most vital cogs of the...

27 August 2022

From: Features

A Day in The Life of a Regional Construction Director

Last weekend, Nat Daniels' latest Property Natter column focused on the average day in the life of a conveyancer. In this feature,...

20 August 2022

From: Features

Property Natter: a day in the life of a Conveyancer

In a welcome return to a favourite series of mine - and a timely one at that, given the current back...

13 August 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – is LinkedIn something agency can no longer ignore?

For some time, LinkedIn was seen – fairly or unfairly – as stodgy, dull, corporate and formal. The uncool uncle to...

30 July 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – why is the property market joining the podcast party?

If there’s one thing that received a boost as a result of Covid and lockdowns, it’s podcasts – which reached whole...

16 July 2022

From: Features

Property Natter - why conveyancers should charge more for a better service

The ongoing debate about how to boost agent and conveyancer relations, and improve the homebuying system for all, continues to rage,...

02 July 2022

From: Features

Property Natter - do agents need to worry about the metaverse?

Between you and me, dear reader, I had little to no idea about what the metaverse was before researching it for...

18 June 2022

From: Features

Property Natter: ‘the only way to bring about change is to be proactive’

In this latest ‘Women in Property’ edition of the Natter, I check in with Collette Allen, who was recently appointed as...

28 May 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – will the challenger banks ever become major lenders?

Many people in recent years will have become familiar with challenger banks such as Monzo, Starling and Atom. Many will have...

14 May 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – the who’s who of the industry

The property industry is fortunate in including many great people, doing great work across a range of businesses – from traditional agency...

30 April 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – from barmaid to branch manager to Countrywide’s top negotiator

In this week’s Natter, I carry out a Q&A with Lisa Knight, who has taken the impressive journey from barmaid to...

09 April 2022

From: Features

Property Natter: interview with Michael Bruce - 'why Boomin is not just another portal'

With Boomin nearly turning one, I decided to catch up with Michael Bruce, the co-founder of the property website and more...

26 March 2022

From: Features

Property Natter: agency with a new concept and terrific fundraising

As regular readers will know, I like to use this column to shout out about the independent agents who are the...

12 March 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – meet the blockchain network quietly taking agency by storm

Until a few years ago, you would have been forgiven for not knowing who or what Coadjute was. But the company, founded...

26 February 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – events for agents to look out for in the first half of 2022

Property events and functions are now back in full swing, with 2022 likely to be the first ‘normal’ year for this...

12 February 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – the agency helping homeless people move closer to their own home

Our Agents Do Charity column each Friday does a fantastic job of highlighting the amazing charitable work of agents up and...

29 January 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – my predictions for the property market in 2022

As this is the first Natter back since the Christmas break, I should like to first wish all our readers a...

15 January 2022

From: Features

Video interview - how can agents improve their image in 2022?

In this latest Property Natter video interview, Angels Media CEO Nat Daniels chats with one of the lettings industry's best-known figures about...

15 January 2022

From: Features

Video interview - talking self-employed agents with eXp UK's Adam Day

Adam Day will be a well-known figure to many in the industry, having been the founder of Hatched (the online agency...

08 January 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – the A-Z of property for 2021 

It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas – just a week to go now. Presents all wrapped and...

18 December 2021

From: Features

Property Natter - video interview with Stephen Brown and RAN 2021!

In a first for the Natter, this week's interview is a video affair, with me posing the questions to Stephen Brown,...

04 December 2021

From: Features

How my predictions on agency and PropTech from recent years have come true

The last 18 months have been full of ups and downs, but the property market has coped remarkably well during the...

04 December 2021

From: Features

Property Natter – catching up with The Singing Estate Agent

In this latest Natter piece zoning in on independent agents doing things differently, following on from the one I did with...

20 November 2021

From: Features

Property Natter - checking in with some of the ESTAS' biggest winners

A few weeks ago the ESTAS took place at the Grosvenor House hotel in London - the first chance for many...

06 November 2021

From: Features

Property Natter – four ways agents can improve brand recognition this winter

As a character from a fairly well-known TV show once said, winter is coming and we’re all contemplating where 2021 has...

23 October 2021

From: Features

Property Natter: are estate agents paid enough?

Agent wages have been in the news this week, with boastful claims from a number of self-employed businesses about the sums...

09 October 2021

From: Features

Property Natter – how can estate agents improve their green credentials?

As we motor towards the next major global climate change conference – the UN’s COP26 being held in Glasgow from 31...

25 September 2021

From: Features

Drones to night shots - what are the top photo tips for agents?

Photography has become an increasingly important weapon in an agent’s armoury in recent years as listings compete for space on portals,...

23 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: talking the secret to good photography and working for Foxtons

Good property marketing photos have arguably never been more important in an increasingly visual and tech-led world. We saw just the...

11 September 2021

From: Features

Property Natter - will UK agents ever be seen as true professionals?

There are some parts of the world, including in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, where estate agent isn’t seen as...

28 August 2021

From: Features

Property Natter – has Purplebricks dealt a fatal blow to the self-employed model?

One of the biggest trends since Covid, in the property world and elsewhere, has been a shift towards more hybrid, flexible...

14 August 2021

From: Features

Property Natter: half-year review – what has 2021 brought so far?

Well, we’re technically more than halfway through the year already, but we’ll let that slide. And what a year it’s been...

31 July 2021

From: Features

Property Natter: how can agents ensure they don’t suffer costly missed opportunities?

Let it never be said that this column isn’t here to help out agents directly. In this week’s Natter, I speak...

17 July 2021

From: Features

Property Natter – why OTM’s Jason Tebb shows the importance of good hires

In the world of football – very topical at the moment, as we all enjoy the Euros – there is an...

03 July 2021

From: Features

Property Natter: how tech-led will estate agency be in 10 years?

Around 18 months ago, just a few months before the pandemic hit, I did a Natter with the team at software...

19 June 2021

From: Features

Property Natter: talking Brexit, Covid, USPs and mews homes with Lurot Brand

Independent agents come in all shapes, sizes and looks, many with their own USPs and little quirks. It is this variety...

05 June 2021

From: Features

Property Natter – 5 ways estate agency has changed since May 2020

It’s now over a year since the property market officially reopened after an unprecedented two-month shutdown at the height of the...

22 May 2021

From: Features

Property Natter: Day in the life of Simon Brown, ESTAS founder

In a return to a favourite series of mine, as it gives an excellent insight into the very many facets of...

08 May 2021

From: Features

Property Natter: why agency must never become a closed shop

The biggest news story in town this last week – which has brought people who don’t usually like or watch football...

24 April 2021

From: Features

Property Natter - will there be live property events this year?

The last property event I attended in person – and I think the last physical property event held all told –...

10 April 2021

From: Features

Property Natter: meet the agent poet doing things unconventionally

As you’ll know by now, I like to use the Natter to shine a light on independent agents doing things a...

27 March 2021

From: Features

Property Natter - is working from anywhere the future for UK estate agency?

One of the biggest trends in recent times, as a direct result of the pandemic, is the concept of working from...

13 March 2021

From: Features

Property Natter - are virtual viewings now absolutely integral for agents?

Pre-pandemic, virtual and video viewings were a nice little add-on for some agents, but they were far from universally used and...

27 February 2021

From: Features

Property Natter - ‘I work for myself, not by myself’ – a self-employed agent’s tale

In this week's Natter, I focus on the inspiring story of Clare Hughes, who has bounced back in the last 12 months...

13 February 2021

From: Features

Property Natter – will 2021 be the year of the merger?

At the back-end of last year and the start of this, the biggest news stories in town – besides debates over...

30 January 2021

From: Features

Property Natter: exclusive Q&A with Tim Balcon, Propertymark’s new CEO

Propertymark, the overarching body aiming to bring five different associations (ARLA, NAEA, NAVA, ICBA and APIP) into a single brand, was...

16 January 2021

From: Features

Propertymark says it’s only agent body with influence on government

Propertymark is the only agency trade body with sufficient influence on, and links with, government to achieve major gains for the...

15 January 2021

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: backbone of our industry – Aspire-ing and roaring to greatness

Firstly, Happy New Year – here’s to 2021 being less chaotic than the last! In the final part of our series on...

02 January 2021

From: Features

Property Natter - backbone of our industry – the London way

Many independents will be based in the capital, but given its size and breadth they may get drowned out even more...

19 December 2020

From: Features

Property Natter: the backbone of our industry – charity, Cornwall and family!

Welcome to part three of our ongoing series on local independent agents, as we seek to give this all-important part of...

05 December 2020

From: Features

Property Natter - backbone of our industry: Golders Green to South Coast

As regular readers will know, the Natter kickstarted a series last time out zoning in on local independent agents – the...

21 November 2020

From: Features

MovePal MovePal MovePal