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KEYWORD "Tax Changes" - 100 RESULTS
Savills: ‘Prime price growth on pause due to General Election uncertainty’

Price growth has been put on hold at the top of the market during the second quarter of 2024 given uncertainty...

03 July 2024

From: Breaking News

JONATHAN ROLANDE: If your social media feed is anything like mine, it's now full of cries for help from tenants

Amid the frenetic news agenda of recent weeks, a story broke that may have easily passed you by. It revealed how tenant...

31 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Agency stock hits eight-year high but many are relisted homes - Zoopla

Property supply has hit its highest level for eight years, Zoopla data shows. The latest Zoopla House Price Index shows the average...

30 May 2024

From: Breaking News

There is a future in buy-to-let

High interest rates, slow price growth and more stringent tax rules have eroded Buy-to-Let’s (BTL) charm for a number of landlords,...

18 May 2024

From: Features

Buckle Up! It's Going To Be A Busy 2024

Happy New Year and welcome to what’s looking like a busy - perhaps even hectic - 2024! I thought it worth running...

15 January 2024

From: Breaking News

General election and legislation driving agency sales - claim

Extra tax and rising costs drove agency acquisitions last year and more are expected in 2024. Agency broker Atomic Consultancy has said...

09 January 2024

From: Breaking News

The Housing Market and the Election - Does It Matter Who Wins?

The factor most likely to influence the housing market next year is entirely outside the industry’s control: the General Election. Knight Frank...

16 December 2023

From: Features

The Hunt For Tax Cuts - An Autumn Statement Preview

As sure as night follows day, so our industry sets out a wish list of tax changes which it hopes the...

18 November 2023

From: Features

Agency boss: Government must stop fighting and fix the property market

Winkworth is calling for the Government to take immediate action to fix the property market.  On the eve of the Tory party...

29 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Rising mortgage rates are worse than 2p tax hike - claim

The hit to the economy from soaring mortgage rates will be equivalent to a 2p income tax hike, new analysis by...

27 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Autumn Statement unveils council tax, CGT and stamp duty changes

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt warned tough times were coming ahead of his Autumn Statement yesterday and agents were left with plenty to...

18 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Agency trade body calls for Stamp Duty holiday on additional homes

Propertmark is calling for a 12 month exemption on additional Stamp Duty rates to boost rental property supply. The issue will be...

02 November 2022

From: Breaking News

HMRC rakes it in as stamp duty receipts surge to record high

Figures just released by HM Revenue & Customs show the Treasury enjoying a bumper year for stamp duty, with record receipts...

23 March 2022

From: Breaking News

We survived 2021, so what has 2022 in store for estate agents?

With the drastic changes enacted on the industry over the past two years thanks to the pandemic and political events such...

22 January 2022

From: Features

HMRC consulting on new Stamp Duty threat to property sales

A leading accountant is warning of a possible stamp duty change affecting residential property this year. HMRC is currently consulting on a...

10 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Covid race for space helps boost posh country house market

High-value properties were the top-performers in the country house market in 2021, according to an agency that majors in this sector.  In...

06 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Budget 2021 aftermath - did the chancellor target property for tax revenue? 

In the Autumn Budget on Wednesday 27 October, very few impending tax hikes were revealed by the Chancellor Rishi Sunak –...

06 November 2021

From: Features

Preparing for 2022 – How current trends will affect estate agencies

As we move into the autumn of 2021, what the coming year has in store for estate agents is something we...

29 September 2021

From: Features

Property tax threat returns as government sets Budget date

Lost in the noise of yesterday’s social care announcements, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has named October 27 as his next Budget Day...

08 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Top agent - We have no interest in digitalising the personal side of agency

In this week’s In Conversation Today, we have one of the most familiar names in agency on board for a Q&A....

24 June 2021

From: Breaking News

Could an adjustment to BTL Stamp Duty improve the lettings market?

The Stamp Duty holiday has been very beneficial for hundreds of thousands of buyers looking to take advantage of savings, even...

16 June 2021

From: Features

Stamp Duty reform would speed sales says another leading Tory MP

The MP leading a new parliamentary committee on the housing market says a radical reform of tax would help more people move...

06 April 2021

From: Breaking News

Stamp duty surcharge won’t hurt foreign buyer market - claim

A prominent London agency says today’s new two per cent stamp duty surcharge imposed on most overseas buyers will not dampen...

01 April 2021

From: Breaking News

Fears grow of Capital Gains Tax changes to be unveiled next week

There is growing speculation that a raft of tax proposals to be unveiled next week will include reform of Capital Gains...

19 March 2021

From: Breaking News

Stand by for Capital Gains Tax changes later this year - experts

Tax experts suggest the widely expected reform of Capital Gains Tax is unlikely to be announced in tomorrow’s Budget - at...

02 March 2021

From: Breaking News

Calls grow to reform ALL property taxes, not just stamp duty

Pressure is building for widespread property tax reform beyond short term issues regarding stamp duty. Many MPs in this week’s 65-minute special...

05 February 2021

From: Breaking News

Dozens of Tory MPs demand stamp duty extension from Sunak

The Northern Research Group, which has the backing of over 50 Conservative MPs in the north of England, wants the Chancellor...

18 January 2021

From: Breaking News

Price falls lead to stronger sales in super-prime London says agency

In the six months to November there’s been a 79 per cent increase in sales of homes priced £5m to £10m says Knight...

11 December 2020

From: Breaking News

Agents’ delight as mortgage lending bounces back

Mortgage approvals - a key indicator of short-term activity in the housing market - beat expectations in June according to Bank...

30 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Stamp duty holiday: the first change to benefit landlords in years

As expected within the property industry, the Chancellor announced a stamp duty holiday in his Summer Statement. This now means that...

25 July 2020

From: Features

Is the housing market really storming ahead as some say?

Agents have almost unanimously been reporting a big surge in business since the reopening of the housing market, but new figures...

22 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Delay property tax change until market revives, experts tell government

A taxation institute is urging the government to delay Capital Gains Tax changes relating to housing transactions until the virus crisis...

03 June 2020

From: Breaking News

The final stages of Section 24 – where does this leave the PRS?

This month saw the introduction of the final stages of the Section 24 tax changes, first introduced in April 2017. Whereas buy-to-let...

18 April 2020

From: Features

Boris Bounce subsides as agent admits London sales slump

There are fears that the so-called Boris Bounce which saw a surge in activity after the General Election may be hitting...

04 March 2020

From: Breaking News

Prices up! Transactions up! Agent forecasts a boom in 2020

Some buying agents have batted away the many signs of an improving housing market but one says the Boris Bounce is...

24 January 2020

From: Breaking News

House prices to rise in 2020 according to almost all analysts

The scores are in….and it looks like house prices are going to rise gently in 2020 according to forecasts from almost...

02 January 2020

From: Breaking News

On The Up: UK’s city house prices rise 54% in a decade

Major UK cities have seen average house price rises of 54 per cent in the past decade - an increase of...

23 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Capital Gains Tax changes: owners advised to seek financial advice

A tax expert is urging owners of second homes, as well as property investors and existing landlords, to seek independent financial...

31 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Countrywide says fewer frustrated sellers now resort to letting out

There are fewer ‘accidental landlords’ - vendors who resort to letting out their homes because the sales market is difficult. That’s the...

14 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Tony Strover, Director of Allen Davies

Who are you and what does it say on your business card? I’m Tony Strover. On my business card it says...

30 August 2019

From: 60 Second Interview

MHCLG gets a makeover – three key tasks for the new ministers to consider

With Boris Johnson winning the Conservative leadership election and becoming Prime Minister, he has spent his first few days in office...

03 August 2019

From: Features

What now for the agency industry as Boris Johnson takes over?

Our own industry’s upheaval over recent years has been no less dramatic than the turmoil at Westminster. The political earthquake has seen...

23 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Theresa May’s legacy - how has housing fared under her government?

Theresa May arrived in Downing Street some three years ago - but her premiership has not been a smooth ride. As she...

06 July 2019

From: Features

The evolution of conveyancing referrals – how can agents replace lost revenue?

In recent years, estate and letting agents have been faced with a series of tough challenges to absorb and react to. There...

01 June 2019

From: Features

Agent reveals true scale of London market collapse - but it may be over

One of the capital’s most outspoken estate agents at the upper end of the market has given eye-watering statistics to show...

22 May 2019

From: Breaking News

Transactions dive 33% as another London agency warns on Brexit

There was a huge 33 per cent collapse in transactions in central London in the final quarter of 2018 compared with...

01 February 2019

From: Breaking News

Welcome to 2019: The Year of Brexit and Ban

It’s safe to say that the majority of agents will be glad to see the end of the past two years....

02 January 2019

From: Features

Brexit blamed for falls in transactions and prices in prime central London

Transactions in prime central London have dropped nine per cent in the year to the end of August according to Knight...

04 October 2018

From: Breaking News

Brexit and SDLT 'causing market to stagnate' warns property specialist

A downbeat report from property investment specialist London Central Portfolio says “there are very few causes for optimism in the domestic...

29 August 2018

From: Breaking News

Why letting agents need to be ready for a challenging market this autumn

The buy-to-let sector, which has been under sustained pressure for a number of years now thanks to tax changes designed to...

15 August 2018

From: Sponsored Content

Don’t blame Brexit! Agent reveals who's behind housing market woe

One of London’s leading estate agents says Brexit has had at worst a neutral effect on the housing market and may...

08 August 2018

From: Breaking News

By George! Osborne re-appears to defend his stamp duty reforms

The former Chancellor George Osborne - architect of drastic stamp duty reform - has come out fighting to defend the tax...

06 August 2018

From: Breaking News

Brexit and political fears now key drivers of prime London says agency

The battered prime central London market is now suffering from the UK’s wider political volatility, the lack of stability of the...

13 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Agents clash over whether prime London still appeals to investors

Prime London’s transactions are now the preserve of so-called ‘needs-based buyers’ and not investors according to high-end agency Knight Frank -...

21 June 2018

From: Breaking News

Foreign buyers may shun UK because of tax changes - claim

A new report suggests Capital Gains Tax changes coming into effect next year are worrying a large majority of wealthy overseas...

17 May 2018

From: Breaking News

Prime London woe: price falls, slow sales and valuation mark-downs

Coutts bank has issued a starkly pessimistic snapshot of prime London’s housing landscape, reporting price falls, valuation mark-downs and slower sales...

27 April 2018

From: Breaking News

More London woe as annual house price growth hits seven-year low

House price growth in London has hit a seven year low according to Hometrack, with prices actually down across 42 per...

27 March 2018

From: Breaking News

Treasury set to rake in record CGT this year - with more to come

A forecast suggests HM Revenue & Customs will rake in no less than £8.8 billion in Capital Gains Tax in 2018...

23 February 2018

From: Breaking News

Rental market analysis: what is the outlook for 2018?

A range of factors - including fierce competition under the supplied housing market, rising property prices and political uncertainty – have...

08 February 2018

From: Sponsored Content

PropTech Today: 14 industry leaders give their  2018 predictions

Well, I don’t know about you but after the holidays I've got an imprint just below my navel where my belt...

03 January 2018

From: Breaking News

What next for property in 2018?

What a year it’s been! Back in 2016 we had Brexit, a new prime minister, Donald Trump’s election, and so when...

30 December 2017

From: Features

Transactions to dip and prices to flat-line, RICS warns

House price growth will come to a halt next year as the number of transactions reduces, according to the RICS forecast...

22 December 2017

From: Breaking News

Five things that didn’t happen in 2017

It’s traditional before Christmas to either review the year past or anticipate the one ahead - but I’m intrigued about what...

16 December 2017

From: Features

Property experts reveal their Autumn Budget wishlist

The housing industry has set out a list of demands in advance of the government’s hotly anticipated Autumn Budget on Wednesday.  Despite...

18 November 2017

From: Features

Most senior Tory MP yet says she's open to stamp duty reform

Nicky Morgan, a former Cabinet minister and now chair of the highly respected Commons' Treasury Select Committee, is the most senior...

15 November 2017

From: Breaking News

Nil deposit schemes – a new era for the rental market?

Research from the Centre for Economics and Business Research has shown that the cost of the average rental deposit is expected...

19 August 2017

From: Features

Market being hurt by low stock, political uncertainty and tax - RICS

Record low stock numbers, political uncertainty and the aftermath of tax changes are the obstacles hindering the housing market, according to...

10 August 2017

From: Breaking News

London average price rises plummet from 13% to 3.5% in a year

The latest measure of house price rises in key UK cities by the property consultancy Hometrack shows house price in many...

30 May 2017

From: Breaking News

Developers want SDLT and tax changes reversed to boost sales

More than three quarters of developers want to see the government go into reverse on its stamp duty and mortgage interest...

13 April 2017

From: Breaking News

Mortgage market review

In recent years the mortgage industry has gone through some testing times. Recession and regulation have led to more stringent lending...

08 April 2017

From: Features

Property Natter: Q & A with David Cox, ARLA Propertymark

In this Natter we have an exclusive interview with David Cox, CEO of ARLA Propertymark and one of the best-known figures...

08 April 2017

From: Features

Budget 2017: Pleas for reform fall on deaf ears

Chancellor Philip Hammond delivered his first Budget this week pledging extra funding for the NHS, transport in the Midlands and the...

11 March 2017

From: Features

What does the future hold for the buy-to-let market?

Over the past two decades, investing in buy-to-let has been a relatively easy way to make money, which is why so...

25 February 2017

From: Features

What next for the rental market in 2017?

The rental market has had to face a raft of changes over the past year, including the introduction of the 3% stamp...

14 January 2017

From: Features

Farewell to 2016 and a cautious welcome to 2017

There is no doubt that 2016 managed to catch the world by surprise on more than one occassion.  But will 2017 be...

14 January 2017

From: Features

Happy New Year from Estate Agent Today - this is what's in store...

This is the final Estate Agent Today until Tuesday January 3 2017, so everyone at Angels Media sends all good wishes for...

30 December 2016

From: Breaking News

What next for property in 2017?

Following a strong start to 2016, particularly in the lower to middle range of the UK housing market, that lasted up...

17 December 2016

From: Features

Are landlords about to ditch letting agents and go it alone?

Next year is likely to be a challenging time for letting agents, following a raft of changes introduced by the government...

09 December 2016

From: Features

ICYMI: What agents need to know from the Autumn Statement

In case you missed it yesterday, here’s a summary of everything relating to property that was in Chancellor Phillip Hammond’s Autumn...

24 November 2016

From: Breaking News

Autumn Statement: The property industry's wish list for Philip Hammond

It may still be too early to start compiling a Christmas wish list, but it is the right time to provide...

19 November 2016

From: Features

Whither Countrywide

Although Brexit, portal juggling and portal wars have stolen property industry headlines in recent months, there's been one story almost constantly...

05 November 2016

From: Features

Cabinet minister hints at property tax changes next month

The almost non-stop series of tax changes affecting all aspects of the housing market in recent years looks set to continue...

21 October 2016

From: Breaking News

Rent rises are inevitable after tax clampdown on buy-to-let

Buy-to-let landlords may have failed in their recent legal battle against planned government tax relief changes for buy-to-let homes set to...

14 October 2016

From: Features

Bank of England confirms tougher buy to let mortgage lending regime

The Bank of England’s Prudential Regulation Authority has confirmed that tighter regulations will apply to lenders providing mortgages for buy to...

30 September 2016

From: Breaking News

House price growth slows in UK's biggest cities

Annual house price growth in 20 UK cities dipped to 8.2% last month, according to the latest figures from Hometrack. The research...

26 September 2016

From: Breaking News

Is buy-to-let investing still a safe bet?

The huge rush to acquire buy-to-let property in the first quarter of the year ahead of the stamp duty change deadline...

09 September 2016

From: Features

What has been the Brexit impact on the housing market so far?

The morning after the EU referendum, and Westminster, Britain, Europe and the world were left in shock at the news that...

05 August 2016

From: Features

Property auctions market round-up Q2 2016

With a number of agent partner programmes available nationwide, estate agents can often increase business by offering sales by auction, especially...

15 July 2016

From: Features

Why negotiating skills will be more crucial than ever in the months ahead

Sales skills, and the ability to negotiate in particular, have always been a core ingredient for any estate agent – and...

03 June 2016

From: Features

'Major agency has cut fees to 0.5% on referendum fears' - claim

A City investment consultancy says one leading private agency chain has slashed its fees to 0.5 per cent in order to...

27 April 2016

From: Breaking News

Rightmove achieves busiest-ever first quarter for leads to agents

There was a significant drop in interest in purchasing buy to let properties in March as the April 1 stamp duty surcharge...

13 April 2016

From: Breaking News

Chris Coates, Oakford Homes MD

Who are you? Chris Coates What does it say on your business card? Chris Coates As a small team we don’t have a hang up...

16 February 2016

From: 60 Second Interview

Cameron dismisses industry's concerns over stamp duty and tax changes

Prime Minister David Cameron has dismissed out of hand appeals and comments from Estate Agent Today readers to reconsider the recent...

25 January 2016

From: Breaking News

Stamp duty and buy to let tax changes: Readers' views put to David Cameron

In January readers of Estate Agent Today and Letting Agent Today were given the opportunity to give their views on proposed...

25 January 2016

From: Features

Affordability and buy to let taxes will curb market warns ITEM Club

The housing market will slow in the next three years as affordability problems and buy to let taxes combine to offset...

19 January 2016

From: Breaking News

Rightmove says 'supply famine' easing after small rise in stock on sale

Rightmove is reporting this morning that there has been a 6.6 per cent increase in the number ot homes with two...

18 January 2016

From: Breaking News

Last chance for agents to send stamp duty and tax views to David Cameron

Today is the last chance for Estate Agent Today readers to have their concerns about proposed stamp duty increases and recent...

07 January 2016

From: Breaking News

Stamp duty and buy to let tax changes - put your views to David Cameron

Estate Agent Today readers are being given the rare opportunity to have their concerns about proposed stamp duty increases and recent...

05 January 2016

From: Breaking News

Stamp duty and stock shortage mean 'winter of higher prices' says top agent

The director of two major agencies says George Osborne’s stamp duty surcharge and stock at an “historically low level” will force...

10 December 2015

From: Breaking News

Foreign buyers increasingly-deterred by property taxes, agents say

Reports suggest foreign buyers may be losing interest in directly owning property in London and are in some cases increasingly attracted...

19 November 2015

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal