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By Graham Norwood

Editor, EAT, LAT & LLT

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Propertymark - Where is it going next?

Few people in the industry have as controversial or challenging a role as Nathan Emerson, the new (but interim) chief executive of Propertymark.

He has taken the position following a series of high-profile departures from the organisation, and with a flurry of comments across the industry asking whether Propertymark is still fit for purpose for the 21st century.

In an exclusive video interview with Estate Agent Today editor Graham Norwood, Emerson addresses key questions on whether the body he leads is in crisis, whether it’s up to the job of representing agents in an era of increased regulation, and whether more can be done to allay fears over its future.

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    What a remarkable interview.
    Very few people can talk for 10 mins and reveal absolutely nothing.
    Very few interviewers would alow them to get away with it either.
    "15% staff turnover is normal"... ARE YOU KIDDING? It might be amongst the junior ranks of say LSL but not in the senior management team of a trade body. That someone at Lansons has come up with that line says more about the situation than the situation itself.
    If the members and indeed the industry aren't concerned about the goings on at PM then they're not paying attention.

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    Well said James…
    Propertymark, disband it, scrap it and all that it stands for.

    To me it has turned into a little boys lunch club as was the original OCEA when that nonsense was put together by Peter Constable and his corporate cronies in the mid-late ’80s as something to do other than golf and lunch on the third Friday after the first Tuesday…

    In my mind, a representative body should not try to be something it is most certainly not but should be fighting the corner of its members and to be realistic its paymasters. These silly boy clubs have no clue and do not act like realtor associations elsewhere in the English-speaking world who, in some cases, are as protective of their member's rights and the American National Rifle Association are of theirs. Any trade body needs some teeth rather than be legislators and proptech firms whipping boys. I am not at all sorry to say I shall be delighted if this organisation as is disappears up its own tailpipe before I retire from my so far 38 years in property.

    Behind closed doors the real property professional bodies laugh at this lot and the latest acting, stand in, stunt COO or whoever’s performance sums it up.

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    No He's definitely not the person to be leading Propertymark. After having seen the interview he doesn't come across with any particular foresight for the organisation in his assessment and as James has said it's full of guff. It's the sort of reply you get from politicians when you need a decent analysis. Graham Norwood was just too kind, a bit like Oprah.


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