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Agents should be trained - then tell the public how well-trained they are

The chief executive of Propertymark says agents should be trained - but it’s then vital they use their training as a USP to win business.

“You can be the most trained person in the world but if no one knows about it, so what?” asks Nathan Emerson

He makes the remark in the second part of his video interview with Angels Media chief executive Nat Daniels, where he also speaks about how online and traditional agencies should operate with each other, and he reveals how he sees his own role developing in the light of changes to the industry and within Propertymark.


It’s an exclusive interview for readers of Estate Agent Today.

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    • N W
    • 17 December 2021 11:43 AM

    we are and we do but in truth most members of the public don't care....... they just want the house sold, the best fee (value for money) and the highest price and as they all think selling will be easy see little added value in the difference that real experience and expertise can make (a bit of a broad brush comment but it is an overall sentiment). I could have 20 times the experience and qualifications of a competitor and whilst some will see the value in that, the majority don't as they assume that an agent who started yesterday or the week before is suddenly an expert....


    The above point is why Propertymark want to enshrine in law the requirement for every estate agent in the land to have to take their qualifications…
    Because they’ve failed to make their qualifications relevant to anyone outside of their membership.

  • Chris Arnold

    One has to ask who is doing this training? Whoever it is, they have managed to create an industry where estate agents are ranked bottom three on The Veracity Index of Trusted professions. We have an industry that is so stuck in the past when it comes to marketing that it might expect a telegram from the Queen any time soon.

    Worse still is its ability to articulate the meaningless message that said agency is "qualified". A bland and boring statement of facts doesn't persuade.

    And finally, a USP is unique. It's not a "selling point" if the competition has that qualification.

    I despair of this industry if that's the level of thinking to be found from its leading lights.


    I did not ever make the mistake of assuming PM are leading lights.


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