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New Purplebricks adverts - "full service without the commission"

The creative agency behind the new round of Purplebricks Commisery TV advertisements have been explaining the philosophy they brought to the two films.

SNAP London is the agency behind the ‘Commisery’ concept, put forward by Purplebricks for two years now to explain - as the agency claims it to be - “the misery you feel when you’ve spent thousands on commission with traditional estate agents, and got nothing more for your money.”

The new advertisements are likely to add fuel to the debate within the industry on the level of service provided to customers by Purplebricks and other online/hybrid agencies


In an interview with the Little Black Book website, SNAP’s chief executive Jon Boardman says the new advertisements build on the previous series, and address a long-held criticism of the estate agency by some people in the industry and the wider public - that online operators do not provide the full service given by traditional agencies. 

“This new strategic approach is exactly what the business needs to continue its success with a core truth routed at the heart of the work. The ads feature performances that are brilliant, funny and charming with a mix of audiences and situations that people will really connect with” says Boardman. 

Meanwhile Ed Hughes, Purplebricks’ marketing director, says: “We know from research that while one person may want Purplebricks as their estate agent, there will often be a ’naysayer’ within the family who remains unconvinced that we can do everything for them and still save them thousands. These ads capture how it feels to find out you’ve got us wrong, and reminds people to check us out before dismissing us as too good to be true”.

Purplebricks this week releases its latest trading figures - they will be reported on Estate Agent Today soon after 7am on Thursday.

The two new 40-second TV ads and three 30-second radio ads launched over the weekend and you can see them here.

  • icon

    Viewing service costs extra, what a joke!!

  • Chris Mervyn

    'the misery every NO SALE - NO FEE agent feels when another mis-leading statement is made by Purple Bricks against them by spending thousands of pounds and being left to advertise however they like. '

  • icon

    The simplistic view that some vendors have when it comes to fees costs them, without realizing it, them thousands of extra pounds as the power of communication and negotiation can never be better than a professional high street agent rather than the "online" rubbish that is currently being dealt with.

  • Jon  Tarrey

    That advert on after the football yesterday was beyond awful! I didn't think anything could beat the commisery adverts for naffness, but this latest effort knocked it out of the park.

    Cringe-worthy doesn't even cover it. I don't have as many issues with PB as other people, but their adverts are something else.


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