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OnTheMarket rebel agents launch website and prepare legal seminar

Rebel agents unhappy with the beleaguered portal OnTheMarket have set up a website with plans of a meeting with legal representatives next week.

The convenor of an action group of disgruntled OTM member agents, training consultant and former Countrywide and Romans manager Iain White, launched otmactiongroup.com over the Bank Holiday weekend. 

Currently it contains only details of a seminar to be held at Haymarket in central London next Monday morning. 


White says the event will be attended by legal representatives who can advise on next steps for member agents - but he stresses at no point will any agencies be advised on breaking contracts. 

“We will have legal representatives there and it may well be that some form of class action will be considered, depending on what attendees want. We cannot negotiate individually on behalf of those who want to change their contractual arrangements with OnTheMarket but we will explore if OTM itself has broken its contract with member agents” White told Estate Agent Today.

It is not yet known how many agents will attend; each company attending is being asked for a £50 contribution to cover costs, and White says in total he has received around 320 emails with separate agents’ issues about OTM. 

The action group website says the event and the organisation will be non-profit making. White is understood to have paid for the venue out of his own funds and not to have received any financial backing from any third party.

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    Looks like Agents Mullered. Bet that Buckingham palace office space seems like a great idea in hindsight. About as great as offering new joiners £50 and founding members £500 contracts. The sooner people are able to "edit undo" this moronic site the quicker we can go back to normal and pretend it never happened. This is a very funny market which is only set to get tougher the last thing we need is to bleed cash like this on a protest vote which isn't working.

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    £50 to attend a meeting????

    What a waste of money. Guess they are expecting a small turn out then as otherwise why charge for the hire of a room?

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    Many of them have wasted far more than £50 smile please , for some that's about 4 days membership of a website they don't want to be on.


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