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What to do if your revenue is not where you need it to be: A Guide for UK Estate Agents

In this latest article from the team at Iceberg Digital, they review how Estate Agents can increase their revenue.

If you're an estate agent in the UK and your revenue is not meeting your targets, you may be wondering what to do next. The answer may not be as complex as you think. The key is to look beyond transactional software and consider a more comprehensive solution.

Many estate agents rely on software that only helps them with the transaction side of their business. While these systems can be effective for managing property sales and lettings, they lack the capability to effectively boost your revenue. They lack a critical component: automation of marketing processes.


Marketing is crucial for any business, and in Estate Agency, it's no different. Consistent, engaging, and strategic marketing is what keeps your agency top of people’s minds.

Lifesycle is not just your run-of-the-mill CRM system. It's a complete marketing automation platform that sends out regular, engaging content to all your contacts via email and social media. It automates marketing tasks, ensuring a consistent and strategic approach to keep your brand at the forefront of your clients' minds.

Comprehensive solution

However, Lifesycle's capabilities go beyond automation. This software also tracks the online activity of all your contacts, providing crucial insights on who is reading what. This knowledge enables your team to respond in a targeted and timely manner, making your operations more efficient and effective, thereby driving more business.

Now, you may be thinking about the costs. Yes, Lifesycle does come with a higher price tag than a transaction-only software, but it's essential to consider the bigger picture. By replacing multiple systems with one comprehensive solution and automating many manual tasks, Lifesycle creates significant savings in both time and resources.

In essence, Lifesycle allows your team to focus on what they do best: connecting with clients and closing deals. No longer will they be bogged down by manual marketing processes or juggling multiple systems. Instead, they can use the insights provided by Lifesycle to connect with clients at the right time with the right message.

In conclusion, if your revenue is not where you want it to be, the solution may be simpler than you think. Don't just consider the transaction - look at the whole lifecycle for something that creates content for you, posts to social media, emails your database newsletters and nudges on their journey, nurtures instant valuations into real business all while your team sleeps, then presents them with who to call each day for more business, while covering the entire transaction of the sales process too. You can learn more and to hear from 100’s of agents using Lifesycle here.

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