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English Football League link up with top agency to continue

The link up between the English Football League and a top estate agency is to go on for a third year with both sides claiming the deal has been a major success.

It’s the third year running that Your Move has supported the EFL and, as a result, it says it’s seen widespread promotional benefits including extensive digital advertising rights across the EFL network and services, and promotional rights at Wembley Finals. 

Oliver Blake, managing director for Your Move, says: “We’ve been delighted by the success of our relationship with the EFL both on a national and local basis. 


“Our aim of the sponsorship, from the outset, was to respond to the obvious passion that many of our customers, potential customers, and colleagues have for football. 

“The strong local community support for football, as well at the big iconic football events that the EFL run have certainly allowed us to do this.”

In addition, as Your Move planned, there have been many local benefits too.

Last year, as part of its role as EFL’s Official Communities Supporter, there was sponsorship of the Your Move EFL Community Club of the Year Award, which recognised EFL Club Community Organisations for their support of local communities, as well as the launch of a Your Club Your Kit competition. 

This offered the opportunity for school teams or grassroots teams, of all ages and abilities, in Your Move catchment areas to win a football kit and the agency says this proved hugely successful in helping Your Move teams establish greater links with their local communities; with some winning teams also benefiting from EFL trophy tours that took place. 

The competition will run again this year and there will be extensive advertising and promotional opportunities available to Your Move. 

The agency’s branches in Scotland are also continuing to be supported, with the Your Club You Kit competition being made available to local teams, as well as advertising being placed at key matches which, last year, included the Scottish Championship, Scottish Premiership and the Betfred Cup.

Blake continues: “We’ve got some exciting opportunities being presented to them including the chance to win tickets to the Carabao Cup Final.   I now look forward to building on the success of our EFL association and to continue to support our local teams in making a difference at local level.” 

The EFL’s chief commercial officer, Ben Wright, says: “Over the last three years, initiatives such as the Your Club, Your Kit competition have helped grassroots clubs at the heart of our game and we look forward to helping Your Move make a positive impact in communities across the country in the period ahead.”


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