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Brexit silence is creating 'vacuum of vulnerability' for recruiting agents

The government needs to provide more details of what could happen to European Union employees after the UK leaves the EU, according to an industry recruiter.

Anthony Hesse, managing director of Property Personnel – the UK's oldest estate agency recruitment firm -  says the lack of information about Brexit is creating a 'vacuum of vulnerability' for employees and employers.

"Decisions still need to be made out there, so both employers and employees need to have some idea about what is going to happen in the future, in order that they can plan accordingly," he says. 


"But at the moment, the radio silence is deafening.”

Hesse's comments come as a reaction to a recent British Chambers of Commerce study which found that around 40% of firms employing staff from the EU say their EU employees have expressed concern about their future residency status.

The government has offered reassurance to the three million EU nationals currently living in the UK but the recruitment guru says that issues surrounding the status of existing EU nationals, the nature of new appointment from the other 27 EU countries and future immigration policy all require 'rapid clarity'.

“We still have a significant skills gap in the UK. So we need an immigration policy that allows businesses to plug skills shortages with employees from the EU, with as little bureaucracy or cost, and as few barriers as possible," says Hesse.

"This is about long-term policy making for businesses, including estate agents up and down the country, who are unable to make important decisions because the information required is simply not there."

  • Jon  Tarrey

    The silence is deafening. No-one seems to have a clue right now, but that's OK - it's a work in progress. The plan is to have a plan at some point in the future. Maybe. We're not sure yet. It's a work in progress.

    Hesse is spot-on with what he says here. A shambles. Total shambles.

  • icon

    Blame those who voted to leave, most especially Nigel Farage & Boris Johnson who looked up in horror at the monster they had created and then ran away. Protest voters & abstainers hang your heads in shame.

    Jon  Tarrey

    And David Cameron. Who called the referendum in the first place to placate his party, then campaigned awfully for Remain, then quit when he lost, then quit as a backbencher after that for an easier, simpler, better-paid life. He should be forever reminded of his legacy.

    Of course, we have no way of knowing how Brexit - when it actually happens - will pan out in the long-term, but the signs aren't exactly promising. Out the single market, paying a fee to visit the EU, domestic business that is too fat and lazy (according to prominent Brexiter Liam Fox), a more divided and hostile country - sounds fun!

    Still not clear what effect all this will have on the property market, though.

  • icon

    this whole bretix is a pile of rubbish, so glad i voted to leave. best thing the UK has done in long time. the changes will come and they will be of benefit, its not something that is going to take 5 minutes. over thew next 2-3 years the changes will come out and be better you just wait and see. haters will always hate. just like the leave voters would hate the remain if the remain vote won. Boris got stabbed in the back so no wonder he stepped down in race to become PM. As for DC well he was a waste of space from the start.


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