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Outsourcing key marketing elements will save time and money

27 September 2022 7232 Views
Outsourcing key marketing elements will save time and money

Good estate agents are always busy, we get that, but the constant juggling of tasks that could be outsourced to others can not only reap time benefits but also save money in the long run. You know what your staff are good at, so allowing them to concentrate on their strengths while letting external professionals help you will make for a more productive workplace. Recruiting new staff takes time and money, so outsourcing can often fill the gap permanently.

Your marketing content will always be a deal breaker or maker. From the first moment a potential buyer, who is often a seller too, looks at your property listings they will see how seriously you take your business by the quality of the photography.

Stand out for the right reasons

Professional photos make your brand and properties stand out online for the right reasons. By outsourcing this task to FocalAgent, you will have access to the UK’s largest network of highly trained professional property photographers and in-house editors with a wealth of experience, knowledge and flair, to capture every property at its best. It’s all about winning instructions, boosting sales and achieving a higher sale price - the very essence of your business - as properties with professional photography generate 40% more revenue and get five times more clicks.

Step up for better visual content

Outsourcing key marketing elements will save time and money

Whether it’s brighter pictures or bluer skies you’re after, there’s no need to spend hours trying to manipulate photos yourself, instead you can make your visual content look good by using our Photography Enhancement service. Incredibly, some agents still don’t include floorplans in their listings even though they increase click through rates by up to 52%. Either using FocalAgent’s trained on-site photographers or professionally developed in-house advanced technology, expert floor plans are measured, designed and delivered ready to upload to your listings.

360 tours pre-qualify leads

Keeping customers engaged for longer on a property means they are more likely to book a viewing and as the change in viewing habits since the pandemic has proved, a 360 video gives buyers an extraordinary experience of being in each room, moving seamlessly to each floor, and means no more wasted time carrying out in person viewings to uncommitted buyers. Guided video tours allow you to build relationships with buyers in the same way as you would face to face, find out what properties they are really looking to buy and show them alternatives there and then, without moving from your chair. Pre-qualifying leads in this way has been proven to increase sales and grow market share. In fact, 82% of sellers would switch to an agent offering 360 tours.

Reach for the skies

Outsourcing key marketing elements will save time and money

Keeping ahead of the competition or taking your listing to a new height is now possible by capturing the external view of a property from a stunning higher angle that would otherwise be out of reach, using our cutting-edge Elevated Pole and Aerial Drone Photography technology. Now, high-quality listings can be achieved with Elevated Pole Photography up to 6m high, perfect for all types of property. Aerial Drone Photography provides the perfect platform to capture unique property photographs from up to 120 metres above the ground, creating stunning birds-eye shots of properties and their surroundings. The 4k High-Definition quality ensures every detail is captured, whether it’s a 100-acre rural estate or an urban apartment building in an impressive city centre location, showing the entirety of a property and its surroundings at a glance. It’s a chance to make a real impact with that first eye-catching shot.

Attention grabbing online

You have just 2.7 seconds to grab someone’s attention online, and homebuyers spend 80% of their time looking at property photography and just 20% reading the description. You can prove to potential clients at the valuation stage that you are prepared to go that extra mile to ensure their property stands out from competition, sells quicker and for a higher price, by showing them your outstanding listings. Is it time to ring the changes? Find out more here.

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