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Introducing Agency Edition

27 September 2022 6568 Views
Introducing Agency Edition

In the current challenging economic environment, agencies need to ensure more than ever that they’re getting the most out of every investment they make; not just in terms of breadth and depth of functionality but also when considering ongoing overheads such as infrastructure, security, ongoing maintenance and support.

Being able to set yourself apart as a differentiator will give you competitive advantage, and the speed at which you adapt and change will set you apart from others. 

We’ve just launched our Agency Edition product which is specifically designed for agencies with up to 30 users, something that we’re really proud of. In the article below we’ve outlined some key considerations that we believe are important for anyone who is considering making a move to a new product or platform, and how our newly launched Agency Edition solution addresses these.

1 – upgrade ownership

The overhead and timing of upgrades can adversely impact business operations if they aren’t managed in the right way. There are also often hidden costs associated with upgrading business-critical software products; one off upgrade costs, time and materials costs for upgrade consultancy and disruption during business-critical hours.

Consider where ownership for ensuring you’re benefitting from the latest version of your business-critical platforms lies. Is this a manual overhead owned by your business or will you receive updates pushed out at regular intervals and in a way that doesn’t impact business operations? Is there clarity and transparency from your vendor or software partner around where the cost of upgrades is absorbed?

With Agency Edition, users benefit from a regular schedule of core product upgrades which are automatically pushed out to our user base, with planned, seasonal updates to the solution to ensure our customers are getting the most out of their investment and benefitting from the evolution of our platform. 

2 – infrastructure and security

As cyberattack attempts on small businesses become increasingly commonplace, it's more important than ever to ensure your software is protected by a robust, enterprise-grade security infrastructure; however, ownership of infrastructure procurement and maintenance typically comes at a cost. 

Resiliency, multiple availability zones and patching are all taken care of when you’re an Agency Edition customer. Backups are also taken care of in addition to regular reviews of our infrastructure to ensure we’re adhering to, and you’re benefitting from, an industry standard best practice approach.

In a climate where financial predictability is essential, having a transparent model for storage charges and the ability to accurately project the regular cost impact of your infrastructure and maintenance helps from both a budgeting and predictability perspective. Having the confidence in a provider that takes away the overhead of this for you helps you to focus on your UVP as a business, for example…

3 – time spent (or not) on the value-add elements of your business

Software should solve problems, make us more efficient and enable us to focus on the more value add elements of our day-to-day operations. If you’re not able to spend time talking to your customers or build critical relationships that will help you to weather economic storms, it’s worthwhile assessing why. Does your business-critical software consider best-practice approaches to your industry? Is it driving your efficiency as an agency through, for example, workflow automation and actionable insights?

With Agency Edition you’re able to use our pre-built workflows, task plans and configurations that have been continuously developed over two decades to automate tasks and receive prompts when it’s the right time to nurture, follow up and re-engage with your clients. 

4 – flexibility 

As your business scales you need to consider whether your business-critical software will grow and adapt with you. Our AppMarket offers ready to use apps from leading third-party PropTechs to allow you to customise and extend your Agency Edition solution with tools to support you as you address new markets and differentiate from your competitors. With flexibility and agility comes the power to quickly respond and adapt to change, something that will set your agency apart from your competitors.

5 – onboarding and after care to support you as your business grows

Organisational change adoption is a critical success factor for successful digital transformation and product implementation; great product offerings are multi-faceted and look beyond the immediate technology solution. Do you have the right onboarding approach, after care, and support from your platform provider?

Choosing a provider who will enable you to maximise the potential of your software investment is critical in today’s competitive environment. Our Agency Edition Customer Success model provides a mechanism for exceptional after care at every stage of your journey with us, from an initial welcome webinar through to regular check ins, bulletins and webinars to discuss market insights, product updates and your experiences using the platform.

In today’s world of flexible working there’s a need to be able to access and benefit from virtual support and training at a time that suits you and your business; 9-5 at the desk or the other end of a phone doesn’t cut it anymore. Our 24/7 online ticketing system, Reapit Support, is available for our Agency Edition customers to log, view and escalate cases with our team at any time and allows you to self-service your request to resolve queries faster.

Agency Edition also comes with unlimited access to Reapit IQ, our best-in-class digital learning platform. It provides a self-learning route which includes a comprehensive range of online resources, giving your team 24/7 access to learn the software at their own pace and through every stage of their journey with your agency as it grows, ensuring your organisational change management and adoption goes hand in hand with your new platform investment.

And there we have it; five great reasons why, if you’re considering the right technology platform to support your agency growth, Agency Edition is worth a serious look.


Want to learn more about Agency Edition? Click for more info or to book a demo.

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