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Written by rosalind renshaw

Letting agents who are members of the Tenancy Deposit Scheme are reminded to check their tenancies registered with the Scheme before June 27. All tenancies registered with the Scheme on that date, ‘Snapshot Day’, will be included in the second subscription invoice for the year 2010/11.
This invoice will be issued at the end of July and, as with the initial invoice, it will be payable in two instalments, the first by October 5 and the second by January 5, 2011.
The number of tenancies registered on June 27 will form the basis of the second invoice, and the charge for each tenancy will remain the same as charged in the first invoice of the year. This charge averages £11.22 across the board and, says the scheme, remains the most competitive.
TDS chairman Martin Partington said: “Our costs and subscription levels are necessarily set for this financial year, but the second subscription invoices will reflect the actual number of tenancies registered. Members should ensure they pay the least possible amount by striking off all expired tenancies from the TDS register.”
The Dispute Service, responsible for the TDS, is seeking a new a new chief executive, and a members’ user group is to be formed shortly.


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