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Written by rosalind renshaw

Online searches by consumers for mortgages and other loans nosedived by 63% in March and April compared with the start of the year.

A report by Greenlight, a consultant specialising in search engine optimisation, said searches using mortgage-related terms fell from 3.2m in January to 1.2m in April.

One of the largest falls was in the number of searches for buy-to-let mortgages, which dropped 87% between January and April, from 301,000 to 40,500.

However, searches for second mortgages fell hardest, down 99% from 246,000 in January to 1,900 in April. Fixed mortgages were down 98%.

Not surprisingly, searches for a mortgage calculator also decreased considerably, from 637,000 in January to 301,000 in April.

MoneySupermarket was the most visible website for retail banking-related products, in natural search. It achieved 73% visibility through ranking at position one on Google with 280 of 700 keywords analysed.


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