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Written by Rosalind Renshaw

It has been confirmed that 250 jobs are likely to be lost at Yorkshire-based Hammonds Direct after rescue efforts failed.

The bulk conveyancing and HIPs firm, which operated Legalmove.com and offered its services directly to estate agents, was due to have been put into administration yesterday.

Chief executive John Heller said: “We have suffered from the collapse in house sales 18 months ago and the collapse in the remortgage market in October.

“I’m completely gutted, not so much for me but for a lot of very hard-working people who have put a lot of work in and this is very disappointing for them.”


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    Whilst i feel for these people HIPS are a total waste of time! Ive been an agent for 26 years.....we are suffering........they must blame the government! After all we are turning into a blame culture.

    • 25 January 2009 12:21 PM
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    Every cloud has a silver lining. Bad to lose your jobs guys but why not try being a traffic warden next. They leach off people to.

    • 23 January 2009 17:01 PM
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    Agreed..no one wishes bad luck on anybody HOWEVER if all the HIP providers go bust then that will surely be a good thing for our industry and our clients and will once and for all end the debate on the joke called HIPS.

    • 23 January 2009 11:34 AM
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    All HIP providers and staff better start looking for the next government gravy train. On second thoughts don't - there may not be much left since SS Brown is about to hit the proverbial iceberg. Roll on MV Cameron!!

    • 23 January 2009 11:21 AM
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    This company has not been a "victim" of economic circumstances. It simply chose the wrong industry. HIP provision was doomed from the start, and they should have known this. It is too easy to blame things out of your control. I feel sorry for the gullible staff who hopefully can find employment in a proper established business.

    • 23 January 2009 11:07 AM
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    I know John Heller personally and all I can say is no-one has worked harder to keep things going, a great guy and a great shame that a solid player like Hammonds has gone to the wall due to these very tough economic circumstances.

    • 23 January 2009 10:16 AM
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