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Auction proptech firm grows partner network to 5,000 agents

Proptech firm iamproperty has reached a new milestone as it reveals its partner agent network has hit 5,000 firms.

The milestone represents growth of 25% over the past six months and comes following the acquisition of SDL Auctions’ portfolio of estate agent partners who used its online Modern Method of Auction service.

More branches are also using the iamproperty movebutler platform to digitise key parts of the moving process, the firm said.


Ben Ridgway, managing director of iamproperty, said he expects user numbers to rise further before the end of the year with new platform launches including a surveys module on the way.

He said: “We’re continuously innovating and working with agents to develop solutions that they really need, freeing them up to focus on what they do best. 

“Our digitised solutions, designed to save them time, deliver incremental revenue and get clients move ready faster, allow them to do more of the parts of the job they love - and know that the rest is covered.”

Jamie Cooke, managing director for iamproperty’s auction service, iamsold, added: “The recent acquisition of SDL agents has gone a long way to helping us reach this milestone, cementing our position as the market leader of the Modern Method of Auction. 

“With the current market conditions, we are continuing to see more agents and consumers turning to auction to secure their sales.

“Enhancements to our auction service are nearing launch, including a new bidding journey which will further modernise the online auction experience.”


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