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Graham Awards


Broadband is ever-more important to buyers, survey shows

A new study confirms the growing trend of buyers wanting good broadband links - and the possibility that homes without them may struggle to sell. 

The survey suggests that 62 per cent of prospective purchasers would at least consider not buying a house if it didn’t have a strong, reliable internet connection.

When asked to list priorities for a future property, 53 per cent put good broadband - higher proportions than for double glazing (46 per cent) nearby shops (36 per cent) and convenient public transport (35 per cent).


Only a garden the desire for a garden or outdoor space (75 per cent) or a quiet road (56 per cent) came out higher.

Correspondingly, almost a quarter of those responding say they now expect to work from home more frequently as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak. 

And 45 per cent admit they rely on their internet connection up to 24 hours a day, compared with just 34 per cent pre-lockdown.

When asked at what point in the home moving process they set up their internet connection, over 60 per cent said it came before meeting neighbours, buying furniture, taking meter readings or even unpacking boxes.

The survey was commissioned, perhaps predictably, by a telecoms company - Talk Talk - but confirms a trend reported by many agents.

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    Poor mobile signals and slow broadband/mobile broadband speeds are definite deal breakers unless you can demonstrate improved services such as fibre are on their way to the community.

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    • 31 July 2020 10:17 AM

    If mobile signal with 3 is OK you don't need fibre

    I have unlimited. Mobile b band.
    Costs me £17pcm
    68mbps downloaded
    11mbps upload


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