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Graham Awards


Shareholders say yes to Rightmove despite ongoing agency criticism

Rightmove’s shareholders appear to have been generally unmoved by the string of protests against the portal in recent weeks.

At the portal’s AGM yesterday - held behind closed doors because of the Coronavirus lockdown - all 21 resolutions were passed, and all with thumping majorities.

The lowest proportion of votes in favour of a result - which nonetheless was 94.18 per cent - was for the remuneration policy; other resolutions, including the election and re-election of named board members - attracted support ranging up to 100 per cent.


For what Rightmove describes as health and safety reasons, itallowed only two shareholders to attend in person at the company’s offfices, and did not allow others to access it virtually via a webinar-hosting platform.

However, shareholder votes on resolutions were submitted before the meeting and were counted in the eventual results, the portal says.

Prior to the AGM starting yesterday there had been criticism from Say No To Rightmove campaigners who claimed the way the event was held prevented “difficult questions” from critical shareholders.


  • Murray Lee

    OF course they were all passed. Im guessing Most were listed well before the Lockdown and with only 2 in the room and no on line op hardly a no brainer was it?
    If you want things to go the way you want...don ask anyone else to come to the party

  • icon

    Bankers and fundys!! All about the dividends.
    However some sensible people must be questioning the lack of PR strategy


    Except they're not getting last year's dividend. If I was a shareholder I'd want to know when the dividend will be restored (& will it make up for this year's cancellation) and if there's any more bad news in the pipeline (profit warnings, agent revolts). Share price holding steady suggesting their belief in RM is unshakeable....so far.


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