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Injuries and bail after alleged attack on estate agency office

A man suffered "deep lacerations" to his hand after allegedly smashing the window of an estate agency office in Ilminster, Somerset. 

The Western Gazette newspaper reports that the alleged attack took place on McKinlays office. 

A police officer told the newspaper: "We had a call .... saying that there were two males causing problems in East Street and that McKinlays estate agents window had been smashed. One of the males had punched the window and had lacerated his hand badly - it was a very deep laceration. He was slumped over being treated by a first responder at the scene, and there was blood everywhere."

The 26 year old man was taken to hospital. He has now been arrested and bailed pending further enquiries. 

McKinlays is not commenting on the incident.

  • Tim Gorgulu

    Are agents a target for this sort of thing? I'm not sure...maybe it's just a coincidence.

  • icon

    I would say no - we're not. But then, when you saw what happened to Foxtons in the spring you may be inclined to think so. This sounds a lot less pre-mediated than that incident, though.


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