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Simply Conveyancing nominated for Supplier of the Year at property Oscars

21 October 2021 12842 Views
Simply Conveyancing nominated for Supplier of the Year at property Oscars

The ESTAS – often known as the property world’s version of the Oscars – returns as an in-person event this Friday (October 22), with a glittering awards ceremony hosted by Location, Location, Location star, Phil Spencer.

The great and the good of the industry will be in attendance at the fabulous Grosvenor House Hotel on Park Lane, with this year being the first where agents, brokers, conveyancers and suppliers will gather together under the same roof.

After last year’s awards had to go virtual due to the pandemic, the return to the in-room awards – which will see more than 1,000 property professionals gathering together to celebrate the success of the industry – will represent one of the biggest property events since all legal restrictions were eased in July and one of the largest all told since March 2020.

Simply Conveyancing is delighted to have been nominated in the prestigious Supplier of the Year category, and even more delighted that these awards are powered by customer reviews from customers experiencing real service – which gives them added kudos and prestige.

“Here at Simply, we’ve worked really hard during the pandemic – an unprecedently challenging time for everyone – to bring agents and conveyancers together as much as possible, and to ensure our clients have received the best possible service throughout,” Zenara Henry-Darke, Simply’s Head of Agent Training, said.

“We adapted to the dramatic situation we found ourselves in, and managed to shift to remote working with ease throughout the lockdowns and restrictions that have been placed on us for obvious reasons,” she added.

“Despite, or perhaps because of, the pandemic, we have been busier than ever as the market has boomed, and this has brought unique challenges which we have had to deal with in real-time to ensure transactions haven’t suffered.”

She said that Simply wants to be the conveyancer supply of choice for agents and the company feel this nomination – at the first time of entering – is validation of that fact.

“We’re not just a conveyancer, we also offer training propositions that enable us to fully understand an estate agent’s business and for them to understand ours. And more importantly we train the end agent on the conveyancing process so they can move their clients quicker.”

She adds that Simply are constantly redefining the proposition they offer to agents, innovating in a number of ways to help agents and their clients reach the end goal of a successful house sale.

“We are always seeking feedback from our partner agents, to find out what they want, whether in terms of our account management, agent training, legal support, whatever it might be, to ensure the exchange is a quicker one,” Henry-Darke claimed.

“We all want to be singing from the same hymn sheet – it’s a partnership, ultimately – so it’s vitally important that we understand each other’s business and that agents inherently get the conveyancing process so problems can resolve faster.”

Simply understands that moving home can be stressful – none more so than during a global pandemic – and has made it its mission to make the process as smooth as possible for its customers.

It prizes its culture of customer service and going above and beyond for clients to ensure any frustrating communication jams are eradicated between client, estate agent and lawyer.

“Given the emphasis we place on customer service, we are naturally delighted to be nominated for an award based on customer reviews – it’s the best possible feedback and badge of honour that can be provided, to know we’re doing things right,” Henry-Darke added.

“We’re always trying to improve, innovate and enhance the customer experience, and being nominated for this ESTA shows we are on the right path. But we won’t just sit still, we are always looking at ways in which we can make the customer experience better and improve the home buying and selling process for all involved.”

“Even aside from the nomination, it will be fantastic to be surrounded by so many fellow suppliers, agents, conveyancers and other property professionals on what will no doubt be a special night after so long away. Awards carried out on Zoom just aren’t the same as the real thing, where that buzz of anticipation and sense of celebration is hard to ignore,” Henry-Darke continued.

“We’ve been to a few conferences and events since things reopened, and they’ve been fantastic, but we are fully expecting the ESTAS to top even that. Now it’s time to dust off the tuxes and evening dresses!”

To find out more about how Simply can save your clients an average of 20 days on their home move, please visit: https://estateagents.simplyconveyancing.co.uk.

You can also watch a recent Kerfuffle video with Zenara Henry-Darke, discussing the ESTAS nomination and why Simply does things differently, by clicking here.

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