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KEYWORD "Housebuying" - 5 RESULTS
Property Natter - Why are we waiting? Delays are suffocating…

It’s so good to see housing at the top of the government’s agenda for change. Finally! The housing crisis has been met...

20 July 2024

From: Features

How Technology Will Open Doors in 2023

For agents who take full advantage of new developments in technology in 2023, it’s a chance for them to move ahead...

04 February 2023

From: Features

Increased energy price cap will ‘dramatically hit’ housing market

The increased energy price cap could hit first-time buyers and the wider property market, new research suggests. It comes as households are...

31 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Is it time to reform the tax we all love to hate?

As we slide into Christmas, with the busiest levels of house buying since 2006 and activity still buoyant, I don’t think...

22 December 2021

From: Features

Uncertainty over government 'aim' to streamline house buying process

The detailed paperwork accompanying the Queen’s Speech includes the Conservative party manifesto pledge to streamline house buying - but gives no...

22 June 2017

From: Breaking News

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