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Agency earnings lagging other commission-based professions

Estate agent earnings remain behind other salary and incentive based professions despite helping with sales of such an expensive asset when it comes to property.

Self-employed agency brand eXp UK analysed current earnings data from Salary Expert for 15 professions that are largely reliant on the additional income of sales commission to see how the nation’s estate agents compare. 

The data shows that, at an average of £42,971 per year, the average base salary of an estate agent is one of the lowest of all professions, with just travel agents (£35,611), car salespeople (£32,731), business services sales agents (£32,265) and advertising sales agents (£31,596) earning a lower base salary. 


Of course, with the sale of such an expensive asset such as a property, the potential commission on offer to estate agents is sizeable. The figures from Salary Expert shows that the average estate agent takes home a commission to the tune of £6,420 per year. 

However, a number of other professions still earn a far greater degree of commission, with pharmaceutical reps sitting top of the table, taking home an average of £15,608 a year in commission alone. 

When considering both the base salary and commission earned throughout the year, the average estate agent takes home £49,391 annually. This places them 9th overall in the list, with software sales reps sitting top of the table with combined annual earnings of £80,270. 

Other professions that sit above estate agents in this respect include boat sales reps, insurance brokers and financial advisers. 

What’s more, the average commission earned by an estate agent equates to just 13% of their total annual earnings, while a number of other sales focussed professions benefit to a far greater degree from the opportunities available to boost their income, eXp UK saiud.

Adam Day head of eXp UK, said: “It seems quite frankly absurd that despite orchestrating the sale of the most expensive asset someone is likely to own, estate agents earn less commission than those selling boats and computers. 

That’s not to say that there isn’t an abundance of opportunity within the property sector for those who want to perform at the top of their game, but all too often, the average agent will see a great deal of the financial spoils of their hard work get swallowed up by their employer.

“Is it any wonder then, that so many top agents have turned to the self-employed model in recent years? Not only does it provide them with the freedom to build their own business, but the increased earnings potential means they don’t have to consider a life selling laptops simply to get a pay bump.”

Job role Average base salary 2023 Average bonus 2023 Est total salary plus bonus 2023 Est average bonus as proportion of base salary
Software sales representative £72,498 £7,772 £80,270 9.70%
Pharmaceutical salesperson £62,406 £15,608 £78,014 20.00%
Insurance broker / sales £60,145 £11,283 £71,428 15.80%
Digital media sales representative £46,279 £14,592 £60,871 24.00%
Financial advisor £53,699 £2,352 £56,051 4.20%
Stock broker £44,756 £7,850 £52,606 14.90%
Boat salesperson £44,643 £6,991 £51,634 13.50%
Salesperson computer systems £43,491 £7,772 £51,263 15.20%
Real estate agent £42,971 £6,420 £49,391 13.00%
Salesperson communications £43,008 £6,309 £49,317 12.80%
Recruiter £44,402 £1,550 £45,952 3.40%
Travel agent £35,611 £4,131 £39,742 10.40%
Car salesperson £32,731 £4,278 £37,009 11.60%
Business services sales agent £32,265 £3,907 £36,172 10.80%
Advertising sales agent £31,596 £3,773 £35,369 10.70%
General salesperson role £41,261 £5,632 £46,893 12.00%
General sales agent role £36,912 £5,267 £42,179 12.50%

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  • icon

    Cringe. The reason the industry is low paid is the vicious cycle of low commission percentages leading to underqualified and incompetent agents leading to a general impression of agents not being worth paying. Nothing to do with an "employer swallowing up fees". The guy from Hatched knows a lot about charging healthy commissions I'm sure. Why does anybody care what they say?

  • Where Is The  Monii Money

    I'm with John. Not only is it cringy, it is also, biased, poorly researched and missing the most important data point.

    There are a couple of ways of doing data analysis. First, you can come up with a theory or commercial argument you wish to make and then manipulate the data to show you are right. Or, you can interpret the data in an unbias manner and draw a conclusion.

    Go back a decade (i.e. before EXP raided our shores) and the rank order was pretty much the same. Estate agents have traditionally appeared in the lower half of any commission-based sales industry.

    It is utter ignorance to attribute the running costs of an estate agency to reduced commissions. Every one of the other listed industries has similar if not the same kind of overheads.

    The real stupidity is to claim that the self-employed model offered by EXP means more commission going directly to the agent WITHOUT providing any data!

    So I challenge Adam to publish the total commission earned in the last 12 months and then we can all divide that by the 477 eXp agents and we'll see where they rank.


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