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Energy assessors demand evidence that EPCs aren’t accurate

A trade body has queried parts of consumer watchdog Which?’s report into energy performance certificates (EPCs).

A report from Which? earlier this month suggested that EPCs need a complete overhaul so they are better understood.

The Property Energy Professionals Association (PEPA) said it backed many of the findings but was unhappy with part of the report that said: “there is now considerable evidence that EPCs do not provide an accurate assessment of the energy efficiency of a home.”

Andrew Parkin, chair of PEPA, said: “We would like to see this evidence, and indeed that it doesn’t come from a lack of understanding of what an EPC does and does not do. 

“Further, schemes have now been engaged in smart auditing of assessors for a number of years, and we would happily have shared how this works with Which? had they given us the opportunity to do so.

“PEPA is clear that the outcome Which? seeks in respect of EPCs fulfilling a vital role in underpinning specific advice to help homeowners improve the energy efficiency of their homes and reduce their carbon footprint is totally in alignment with PEPA’s manifesto. Working together may have provided a more accurate report and a better overall result.”

  • icon

    I'm a chartered surveyor, commercial & residential landlord and I've been very pleased with the accuracy of the various EPCs I commissioned over the years. The few vocal landlords who tediously moan about EPCs are the ones who have failed to keep their investment properties up-to-date and don't care if their tenants live in fuel poverty. They are now scared because they've left it too late and don't know how to add insulation to walls, ceilings, lofts and roofs.
    We've had the excellent EPC national measurement system in place for over 16 years and our country now has 21 million accurate certificates on the public database at epcregister. com.
    My buildings' surveys were carried out by professional energy assessors (as with most things in life I didn't go for the cheapest price on the internet). I supplied the energy assessor with extra information on insulation and other improvements because I know that they do not have X-ray vision. Simple and common sense.

  • James Tucker

    Great comments Martin. Completely agree. Haven’t seen the Which? article but I agree that previous communication with PEPa may well have helped to clarify some issues.


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