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Agent negotiation skills will become more essential this year - claim

Negotiating is set to come back into fashion this year as the buyers’ market grows, an industry trainer has claimed.

Charlotte Jeffrey-Campbell, founder and director of The Able Agent, said negotiating sklls haven’t been as essentially due to the sellers’ market of recent years, but said that is now changing.

Jeffrey-Campbell said: “Now, more than ever before, we are seeing a real focus on the need for skilled agents. This is because buyers and sellers have come to demand more help, and greater levels of advice.


“The fluctuating prices that we are witnessing, the more frequent legislative changes and the decline in online agent usage together signify a real shift. I believe this trend will now accelerate into 2024 and beyond.

“Negotiating will come back into fashion Buyers will become more sensitive to asking prices and agents will need to sharpen their negotiation skills.

"Neither have been necessary over recent years in a seller’s market. This compares with today, where offers are – in the main - below asking price.

"Real skill is needed to negotiate price changes, which includes managing pricing expectations from the outset of marketing.”

She also suggested a change in Government and Labour General Election win could see higher levels of agency qualifications introduced.

Jeffrey-Campbell added: “How qualified agents need to become will depend on whether a Labour government comes into power. Shadow Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner makes frequent reference to the quality and cost of housing, indicating how this would become an area in the spotlight.

“I think if Labour does come in then Level 3 is likely to remain. However, we must keep in mind the introduction of Level 4 certifications required for senior housing managers. Regardless of which party comes into power, I anticipate ROPA rising up the agenda.”

  • icon

    That is a seriously badly written article “ negotiating sklls haven’t been as essentially” …. Doesn’t anyone actually check these ?


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