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Revealed - this year’s busiest day for moving (and it’s soon)

A house removal specialist and a consumer property group reckon they’ve discovered the busiest day of the year for moving.

It’s Friday August 25 which is set to have four times more households than average planning to move on that day. Some 5,500 moves are expected on this date, making it the busiest day for removal companies.

HomeOwners Alliance and reallymoving have analysed more than 600,000 removal quotes collected by reallymoving, and found August has been the most popular month to move home for the last 11 years. 


There were 514,000 owner occupier moves or approximately 1,400 moves per day according to the latest data from the English Housing Survey for 2020-21. On the most popular day of this year - Friday August 25 - 1.08 per cent of all moves are expected on this day, adding up to approximately 5,500 moves. This is four times more than the daily average.

Looking at the most popular month and days to move, this translates into 60,000 homeowners moving in the month of August alone and 154,000 homeowners moving on Fridays over the course of the year.

However reallymoving also found that around a fifth of removal companies are willing to offer mid-week deals and negotiate on price to encourage movers to move at a less busy time.

The two organisations are telling consumers of these tips of avoid moving day problems: 

- Suggest an alternative day of the week, avoiding the August bank holiday weekend;

- If you have to move on a Friday, ask your conveyancer to order the mortgage money from your lender the day before completion so it can be transferred first thing on the day of the move;

- Tell your conveyancer and insist that it is written in the contract that you should receive the keys by 1pm. Otherwise you could be stranded without keys to your new abode until Monday;

- If you're going to be moving this August bank holiday, remember things are busier. Get quotes for removals firms as soon as possible and appoint them after exchanging contracts;

- Choose a removals firm you trust and have rapport with. Talk through what would happen if a delay occurred.

  • Matt Faizey

    That it's published only 7 working days before the date in question tells you all you need to know about the s11it show that is conveyancing.

    Kinda tells you that the author obviously considers that at 7 working days dates are yet to be negotiated and an exchange isn't even in sight.

    Graphically illustrating why the public get so utterly fed up.

    This article should have been published 3 weeks ago.

    That accurate, properly collated data for this doesn't exist is a woeful indictment on the entire sector.

  • Matt Faizey

    Oh, and 'appointing a firm of removers after exchange of contracts' is the most ineptly stupid piece of advice.

    Given the average ex to comp timescale runs at 5-7 days how do you expect them to manage this?

    The article displays gross misunderstanding of how this process works.

    Maybe EAT could seek to talk to movers about this? This might help everybody be able to give the public better advice & service.


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