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Regional agents plans county-wide garage sale

Nicol & Co has launched a new scheme to help residents declutter their homes.

The regional agency brand has launched a community project called the Big Garage Sale for residents in Worcestershire to clear up their homes and sell unwanted items.
The project aims to get as many people across the county to join together on their streets for the mass event on Saturday 10 June.
Matt Nicol, managing director of Nicol & Co, explained that garage sales are a great way for people to sell items they no longer need or use, potentially making some money and at the same time connecting with the community.

Nicol & Co is even providing some boxes for people taking part to start the sorting and packaging process in the lead up to the big day.


The company will also provide signage and will promote addresses on streets where homeowners are taking part.

Nicol added: “The idea is simple – we want homeowners in Droitwich, Worcester, and Malvern to get as many neighbours in their street as possible to have a garage sale.

“A garage sale provides that opportunity to have the sort out you’ve long been telling yourself you need, decluttering your home, helping to create more space and making the most of living areas.

“Another benefit of a garage sale is that it can be a way to make a decent amount of extra cash by pricing items reasonably and attracting buyers.

“Holding a garage sale can also be a great way to meet neighbours and chat to members of the community, as people may come from all over to browse your items.

“By selling items you no longer need, you're keeping them out of landfills and potentially reducing waste, which can have a positive impact on the environment.

“Parting with items can be difficult, but holding a garage sale can be a good opportunity to practice letting go of things you don't need – a valuable skill you can then apply to other items that can’t be sold.

“We’re hoping that everyone who joins our ‘Big Worcestershire Garage Sale’ day will get a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction by successfully planning and executing their part of the event on their own drives and front gardens.”


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