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Builders back Stamp Duty exemption for greener homes

Builders are calling for Stamp Duty exemptions on more energy efficient properties to help tackle the housing crisis.

A new 10-point plan from the Home Builders Federation (HBF) includes a suggestion to abolish Stamp Duty for all purchases of homes with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of B or above.

It also calls for more resources or planning departments, better training and a roundtable with government, industry and lenders to explore the possible expansion of green/energy efficient mortgages.


Stewart Baseley, executive chairman of the HBF, said: “Governments of all colours over decades have failed to tackle systemic issues in our housing and planning system which have led to England becoming the hardest place in the developed world to find a home.

“The King’s Speech represented another missed opportunity to increase housing supply in this country, and nothing to address the disproportionate burden of nutrient neutrality placed on new build homes.

“Major legislative change, while needed, would take time to come into effect. Given the urgency of country’s housing crisis we’ve laid out practical steps Ministers can and should implement now to address the barriers impacting housing supply and make sure more people have access to decent homes.”

It comes as separate research from Redrow revealed that 33% of homeowners would prefer to move into an energy efficient home rather than trying to retrofit their current home with energy efficient features. When the time comes to move, almost two fifths said they would opt for a new build specifically due to its energy efficient features.


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