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The perfect prospecting letter? Homesearch webinar to reveal all

Prospecting letters are a key part of an agent’s armoury and now data and prospecting platform Homesearch has partnered up with Jerry Lyons to give agents top tips on how to create the perfect one.

The webinar will be held at 10am this Thursday (October 13), with the 30-minute free event designed to help agents win more second-hand and off-market instructions. 

“We’re all really excited about this webinar as it will show agents, step by step, how to create prospecting letters that are proven to work,” Sam Hunter, Homesearch’s COO, said.


“We’re going to highlight the two things that all prospecting letters have in common, plus many more actionable, common-sense tips.”

Lyons added: “I’m looking forward to chatting with Sam and going through some of the fundamental things that make for an excellent prospecting letter. I’ve written and critiqued hundreds of letters during the seven years I’ve worked with agents and will share what I’ve learned.

“We’ll be looking at the difference between a good letter and a bad one, seven things agents should consider when prospecting, and Sam and I will share a template that outperforms 99 per cent of short-form letters currently on the market. If agents don’t get a load of value from this webinar, I may as well pack up and go home.”

Agents can sign up for The Perfect Prospecting Letter Formula here, but spaces are limited and issued on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Lenny White

    Not sure how Homesearch would like this advertorial with a Spectre ad right below it!!


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