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Graham Awards


Broadband ever-more important for buyers

New research has found that homebuyers would prioritise buying a home with superfast broadband over being close to a good school. 

A property consultancy, Bramleys, has analysed the priorities of homebuyers when looking for a first or new home, and how the pandemic has affected house searches. 

Unsurprisingly, a garden and parking space were the biggest priorities for buyers, with 60 and 40 per cent respectively.


The survey of 3,000 UK adults found a third would prefer a home in a rural location, compared to just 10 per cent who would prioritise homes in a city centre location.  

Superfast broadband was an essential feature of a new home for a quarter, twice as many as would prefer a home near a good school or a home that was within a close community with friendly neighbours.

A permanent home office space is down the list of priorities, with just one in 16 adults claiming it would be a necessity for a new home. Essentials that came ahead of a home office is a property close to budget supermarkets 15 per cent and proximity to a local pub (eight per cent).

The top 20 priorities for homebuyers were: 

  1. Garden (61%)

  2. Parking space (40%)

  3. Rural location (32%)

  4. Good public transport availability (32%)

  5. Close to family (29%)

  6. Superfast broadband available (24%)

  7. Close proximity to budget supermarkets (15%)

  8. Close to workplace (14%)

  9. Close to friends (13%)

  10. Friendly neighbours/ close community (12%)

  11. Close proximity to good schools (12%)

  12. Already completely refurbished (11%)

  13. City centre location (10%)

  14. Separate garage (9%)

  15. Close proximity to a public park (9%)

  16. Close proximity to luxury supermarket (8%)

  17. Close proximity to a local pub (8%) 

  18. Good selection of takeaways (6%)

  19. Home office space (6%)

  20. New build property (5%)


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