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More than four out of 10 non-home owners aged 25 to 34 in the UK doubt they will ever be able to buy a property while one in three has no interest in buying.

Research by mortgage firm Ocean Finance shows that 40 per cent say that while they would like to be able to buy a home in the future but do not expect they will ever be able to do so while 32 per cent claim to be positively wanting to rent and have no interest in buying.

However, those aged 18 to 25 are more optimistic. Some 54 per cent say they want to buy a house in the future and believe that they will be able to do so.

"Home ownership is already at a 25 year low and our survey suggests that this figure is likely to continue to fall. While four in 10 people still say they'd like to own a property one day, they already seem resigned to not being able to do so" says Ian Williams, a spokesman for Ocean.


  • icon

    Quite depressing reading, but probably true, sadly.

    • 06 November 2014 11:40 AM
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