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Zoopla is one of over 200 of the UK's leading start-ups, entrepreneurs and investors to sign a petition called The Startup Manifesto, urging the next government to bring the country's digital policy into the 21st century.

Zoopla chief executive and founder Alex Chesterman has signed the document, which sets out 24 ways that government could amend its policies towards digital skills and technology in order to make Britain a world leader in digital technology.

Demands include tax breaks for firms and individuals in return for volunteering to teach code, the creation of a legal framework for the online currency bitcoin and more investment in teaching a more computer-focussed curriculum in schools.

More than 150 entrepreneurs and investors have signed up to the non-partisan 24-point Startup Manifesto, which was published by the COADEC coalition that is sponsored by hi-tech businesses including Google, TechHub, iHorizon and Intuit.

The manifesto has been written by Guy Levin, a former economics advisor to George Osborne. It wants a future government to agree to keep the current governments Digital Service, which has simplified and relaunched many online government services. This includes the Digital By Default initiative, which has seen the Land Registry become the sole source of land search information in a bid to, in its words, provide a simpler conveyancing process.

Labour has welcomed the COADEC initiative but other major parties have yet to comment.


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