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Alan Bidmead
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Alan Bidmead
I really understand that as traditional estate agents (I’ve been one for over 35 years!) we may have little to thank the Bruce brothers for. That said, they had the concept of Purplebricks and built a very strong brand in short time. It’s undeniably now one of the most prominent national brands in the UK. Over the years we all have to adjust and deal with competition - to our company Purplebricks was, and is, treated as just another competitor. Whether the concept behind Purplebricks actually works, or has any further mileage, the jury is still out. We all have our views on the money spent so far and it’s ‘profitability’...or lack of it. But here’s the point regarding Boomin - and I’ve also seen the presentation. The Bruce brothers will undoubtably promote and build this brand quickly in the publics mind. They have the knowledge and experience of building the Purplebricks brand behind them. They also appear to be extremely well financed. Boomin itself isn’t ‘just another portal’ - the innovation is very evident. Sorry Richard, my jaw didn’t drop ... but I was very impressed and could see huge advantages on using Boomin both to our company and the public at large. On the Boomin name itself - where it came from goodness knows, but didn’t we all say the same when Purplebricks was launched?! A daft name which won’t gain traction in the public’s mind? I suspect (hope) Boomin is the genuine and serious competition to the existing property portals many agents have been waiting for. As always, time will tell. If I’m wrong it won’t be the first time!

From: Alan Bidmead 25 September 2020 14:45 PM

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