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Alan Milstein
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Alan Milstein
No, there is no requirement on a buyer to obtain a condition survey of the property they are intending to buy. Those buying with the aid of a mortgage are required to obtain a valuation (usually carried out by the lender on behalf of the buyer) but this is not intended to provide the buyer with information about the condition of the property. Unfortunately, in the past, some surveyors have had a tendency to provide overly negative reports on properties in order to protect themselves from future claims. Certainly for those RPSA members that I represent this type of defensive surveying is a thing of the past and RPSA surveyors now approach the job in a positive way designed to help all of those involved in the selling and buying process. The Home Information Pack, cancelled by the newly elected coalition government in 2010 was originally to have included a survey of the property called a Home Condition Report (HCR). The HCR never made it into the HIP as the, then the Labour, government changed it from a mandatory to an optional element of the Home Information Pack, and effectively killed it. There is a product on the market called the Condition Report. This is a very brief review of a property which, to my mind, is not really fit for purpose as it does not require a surveyor to enter the roof space or lift up drain covers. I really can't see the point of carrying out a survey that is not complete and comprehensive. Many of the members of the RPSA offer the Home Condition Survey which is a full and thorough inspection provided in a report format that is jargon free and supported by multiple photographs. Typical costs for a Home Condition Survey would be £300-£600 for an average property.

From: Alan Milstein 03 September 2015 11:05 AM

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