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Fixflo's software solution makes repairs reporting, planned maintenance, and contractor management more efficient and less costly. And, it can help you achieve compliance too. 

Property professionals like you can automate time-consuming manual tasks and communicate quickly and easily with your customers. Plus, the software integrates with most property management systems, making adoption a breeze. And, if you have a question or suggestion, a member of the Fixflo team is always there to help

Over 1.2 million units are already using the platform and Fixflo is constantly finding ways to make your hard-working team even more successful

Opportunity for letting agents as landlords struggle with new law

30 January 2017 9559 Views

 Opportunity for letting agents as landlords struggle with new law

Legal firm Kirwans have released shocking statistics which state that 70% of eviction notices issued by landlords to tenants may be deemed to be invalid.* The stark increase has come about as a direct result of landlords complying with changes that were introduced by the Deregulation Act in 2015.

From the 1st October 2015, for landlords to be able to regain possession via the Section 21 process, as well as providing the tenant with a standard two months’ notice, they must also undertake several actions prior to the service of a Section 21 notice. Landlords must now evidence that they have provided their tenant with a valid Energy Performance Certificate, Gas Safety Certificate, all of the necessary deposit information and finally the most up-to-date version of the ‘How to Rent Guide’.

Failure to provide any of the above information to the tenant before the serving of a Section 21 notice has left some landlords waiting up to a further two months to get their property back.

Reputable letting agencies that wish to assist struggling landlords with these procedural changes and demonstrate their expertise and knowledge of eviction processes should consider investing in lettings compliance software, Letflo.

Letflo provides you with a great marketing opportunity as it allows you to create and store all documentation required by the Deregulation Act within a branded pack which can be then directly distributed to the landlord.  As documents are all time-stamped, records are easily tracked, allowing you to reassure any worried landlords that tenants have been provided with the right information, at the right time. This also ensures that all your processes are safely compliant.

Concerned about the cost of Letflo? There is no registration or exit fees and no monthly charges. We are currently allowing letting agents to sign up for a free trial allowing you to create ten free packs and see just how easy it is use. Once the trial has ended, it only costs £2.50 plus VAT to create each Key Tenancy Information Pack.

If you are interested in finding out more about Letflo, you can email us at support@letflo.com, call us on 020 7183 1222 or simply book your free demo by clicking here.

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