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Foxtons reveals its 2014 figures on Wednesday morning - the first full year data following its IPO in late 2013 - and analysts will be trying to spot evidence that the agency is recovering.

In January it posted its 2014 fourth quarter results, showing revenues down 12 per cent in the three months to the end of December, and sales commission plummeting 25.7 per cent.

However, for that quarter the firm's lettings business fared better - with lettings making up half of group revenue, the full-year figures may be less bad that some predict.

City analysts say Foxtons shares fell from a peak in March 2014 because there had been a feeling of too far, too fast' after the IPO; the drop escalated late last year and early this when the broader London residential market showed signs of slowing.

Some analysts say this slowdown, and uncertainty amongst some overseas buyers ahead of the general election in May, have now been priced into Foxtons shares. This week will see the latest development in the saga.

Whatever the figures show, Foxtons remains on course to open five new branches over the next eight weeks in Barnes, West Hampstead, Walthamstow, Bromley and Ruislip.


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