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This article (whatever the desired result from the poster) is bang on in the conversation its generated. We all know that there will always be clients who want something an agent doesn't offer - that said I tend to agree with the top 3 answers. I set my own agency up 2 years ago after being with CW for 10 years, one major benefit I can offer clients and buyers is that we are open 7 days a week until 10pm personally. Outside of those hours we have call answering services, along with live chat to deal with people who want more contact. (To my existing clients im available after those hours anyway) With modern technology, its not difficult to be available. My vendors are able to use email/phone/social media/live chat/whatsapp messaging to contact me and its a fluid relationship where I know what my clients can and can not do in regards to being out of the house for viewings. Im working with them, rather than for them! If I have an empty house and it suits the buyer to view at 10pm, then why not? Surely when you are working for your client, if thats the best suitable time for a buyer - then why (if your company structure allows) would you not do it? As far as losing the human element, by being such an integral part of your clients move - surely that is being more humanized? I am aware that to provide this service level you can not be the biggest agent in the world due to physical restrictions in time etc, but as an agent who was fed up of the inefficiency of the large corporate world, providing a service that matches buyers and sellers new needs/requirements suits me. we all know that being an agent does mean you can just switch off - this is what I do and its part of my lift.

From: D F 06 January 2017 18:55 PM

This article (whatever the desired result from the poster) is bang on in the conversation its generated. We all know that there will always be clients who want something an agent doesn't offer - that said I tend to agree with the top 3 answers. I set my own agency up 2 years ago after being with CW for 10 years, one major benefit I can offer clients and buyers is that we are open 7 days a week until 10pm personally. Outside of those hours we have call answering services, along with live chat to deal with people who want more contact. (To my existing clients im available after those hours anyway) With modern technology, its not difficult to be available. My vendors are able to use email/phone/social media/live chat/whatsapp messaging to contact me and its a fluid relationship where I know what my clients can and can not do in regards to being out of the house for viewings. Im working with them, rather than for them! If I have an empty house and it suits the buyer to view at 10pm, then why not? Surely when you are working for your client, if thats the best suitable time for a buyer - then why (if your company structure allows) would you not do it? As far as losing the human element, by being such an integral part of your clients move - surely that is being more humanized? I am aware that to provide this service level you can not be the biggest agent in the world due to physical restrictions in time etc, but as an agent who was fed up of the inefficiency of the large corporate world, providing a service that matches buyers and sellers new needs/requirements suits me. we all know that being an agent does mean you can just switch off - this is what I do and its part of my lift.

From: D F 06 January 2017 18:55 PM

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