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OpenBrix Network
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OpenBrix Network
Hi Christian and Velgram Thank you for your comments. You are both absolutely welcome to come into our offices and have a look at our blockchain architecture. However the truth is… you don’t need to, as our mobile app and android app are all based on the ZEROBS network, which is a public network viewable by anyone. This means we don’t need people trust us when we say anything, they can go directly to the blockchain and check themselves. How many portals can say that? That’s the power of blockchain… full transparency. As for what the existence of blockchain, we don’t think everything should be decentralised, as that poses issue of scalability, but will be decentralising three core layers. Identity, reputation and transaction. These three layers are the core added value of the portal and in the hands of the community of estate agents who will act as nodes of the network. I.e the little servers that validate the identity, reputation and transactions on our network. OpenBrix simply owns two nodes, the rest is owned by our agent network. If you both set up a node each with your estate agent, you will have as much power over these transaction as OpenBrix! If you want to set up a node you don’t even need to ask us, you can go directly to ZBS and set it up! Again, we are proud of our blockchain architecture. Our founder was the former advisor to House of Lords roundtable working group, Parliamentary blockchain committee and as a civil servant he was one of the architects of the UK Central Government blockchain working group. Our Chief Data Scientist also worked as a senior officer in Civil Service leading Business Insight and decentralisation technologies. Blockchain has the potential to massively change the tech landscape in the UK and we are proud to be leading the way in the PropTech field. Should either of you wish to know more, OpenBrix is an openbook. Come in for a coffee and have a chat 😊. Please go to openbrix.co.uk to contact us. OpenBrix team.

From: OpenBrix Network 16 December 2019 15:35 PM

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