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Suzy OShea
Suzy OShea
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Suzy OShea
If anyone is unwise enough to think that the great fire-sale of council homes in the 1980s was for the benefit of Council Tenants, under MT administration, I would ask them to look at the underlying cause for this. The stock of social housing was in such parlous state due to under-investment and abuse of the facilities by many of the rogue tenants living there, including the vandalism of the bored youths living on the estates, that to put this right would have sunk the government financially or rather the tax payers. How do you get tenants to respect their living environment? Make them owner occupiers. Then you can raise their services charges for the required repairs and you have a whole private police force to report any abuse of the facilities by delinquent youths. So the government raised lots of money, which they were and are never going to invest in more social housing stock, MT was seen as a huge enabler of property ownership in Britain when the numbers owning properties rose to over 60%, the highest ever, and not tax rises were required. Great solution for that generation. Of course, property owners move on and sell on to the next buyer, many of whom were buy to let landlords, looking for subsidized properties to buy. The fact that 1.1 million of these properties are still part of the PRS is also a triumph of sorts. If you want a functioning social housing system, to keep key workers in the towns and cities that need them, then you have to build small, manageable developments, not estates, they have to be properly managed with penalties for breaking the rules for renting there, which must include vandalism. It will be expensive and force taxes up. Who is going to pay those taxes. Allowing right to buy after people have shown a good track record is not a bad principle since it spreads responsibility. I don't know why tenants of social housing in England are often so ungrateful to have their homes, that they will not defend them in reporting delinquent behaviour. Still with security cameras this problem can be solved.

From: Suzy OShea 07 May 2022 12:20 PM

Suzy OShea
John McKay, I totally agree with you. In a good cause Khan wants to turn Nazi robber for this is exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews all over Europe where they occupied the countries, and with no provocation. Have we learned nothing from WWII? Who will be next on Khan's robbery spree list? Many wealthy Saudi's financially supported Al Qaeda and generated the terrorist attacks that maimed and killed many Londoners and other Brits. Furthermore, they helped to spawn ISIS which destabilized Iraq and Syria to name but two countries. Our soldiers died fighting ISIS. So to date, Saudi funds have done more harm to Brits, other Europeans and Americans, than those of Russian oligarchs. Do we now target all the Saudis living in London and confiscate all their wealth? I notice Mr Khan is very quiet on spreading misappropriation of property to nationals of his own religion. I wonder why? Of course Putin listens to no one. Whilst these oligarchs may have facilitated him in the past, he is the one who has kept the power whilst they kept much of the money. Navalny tried to oppose Putin and was initially poisoned and then imprisoned for his efforts and had his wealth confiscated. I doubt very much that these oligarchs want to help Putin any more. If it comes to WWIII, which it just might with the nutter Putin, then, if there is time, you would have to intern Russians as unreliable aliens, just like people with German connections were interned on the Isle of Man during WWII. They had only limited access to their wealth, whilst they were interned but I don't believe that even they were deprived of their their property for ever. After WWII was over, they got their homes back. It seems we had more moral sense in the mid 20th century and eschewed listening to populist demagogues like Khan, because we were engaged in a fight for survival against one of the arch demagogues of history - Adolf Hitler!

From: Suzy OShea 08 March 2022 13:57 PM

Suzy OShea

From: Suzy OShea 15 April 2019 16:21 PM

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