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Bernard Brandon
Bernard Brandon
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Bernard Brandon
As to this the problems are almots always likely to be with the Solicitors. in 2009 a full 10 years ago I designed and built what was almost certainly the first Cloud System for Solicitors. When the clients first logged in and registered the system offered updates on either every single new step in the transaction OR updates but only on the "major" steps . The choice was theirs and many opted for the major steps only. Shortly after this I bought a law practice in Ascot and Sunningdale but the previous owner had committed certain illegal acts and after 2 years the practice was wound up by the Inland Revenue for a large outstanding tax bill which the sellers should have paid. However and this is the point of my post here the dozen or so Solicitors and Fee earners who worked for me refused to use the new online system and so there were no updates for their clients ( As long as the clients could get on line they would get texts and then links back to the web pages and the updates ) All my clients had updates from me and 100% of those thought it was brilliant. It cut down on the phone calls and it ensured I did not take on too much work. The system matter updates were automatically fed into the client bills so any interim bills could be produced by a Fee Earner in less than a minute and we even had a duplicate version of the client and office account bookkeeping on each matter. It was the ultimate Solicitor system and I still have it on a laptop somwehere if any solicitors who read this are at all interested !! Thanks for reading

From: Bernard Brandon 10 April 2019 16:33 PM

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