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Graham Awards


A-ha! Agency gives public chance to name a block of flats

What would Norwich’s own Alan Partridge say? An estate agency in the city is offering residents a one-off opportunity - the chance to name a brand new apartment building.

abbotFox has won council consent to re-name Elliot House, a city centre office block currently being converted into 45 apartments.

The agency has started a competition seeking ideas, with a closing date of March 24.  


“We want as many ideas and suggestions as possible, from famous people in the area, to your favourite things and anything else you can think up – the quirkier and more unique, the better. We will hand pick two answers and let the public cast the final vote on what the building will be named” says the agency.

The apartments will be marketed by the agency later this year; in the meantime, the enterprising agency is seeking the name suggestions through its Twitter, Facebook and Instagram outlets.

“In a years’ time, if you know somebody who is moving to Norwich, you will be able to drive past and tell them that you were responsible for naming that building” the firm continues. 

What about 'Partridge Mansions' as an idea? As Alan himself, might say: “Back of the net...”

  • Kristjan Byfield

    Flatty McFlatFace?


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