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Purplebricks splits from ad agency but pushes on with marketing campaigns

Purplebricks and its ad agency BMB have split - but the hybrid agency is nonetheless reported to be on the verge of launching a new marketing campaign.

Campaign, an advertising industry magazine, reports that BMB and Purplebricks have parted ways “because of creative differences.” 

Purplebricks is reported to be contacting rival advertising agencies to get them on board before new campaigns are launched.


Kenny and Michael Bruce, the estate agents who founded Purplebricks, have emphasised the importance of marketing to the company, which this week placed ads looking for ‘local property experts’ in 17 locations across the UK.

In its last statement, Purplebricks said in October last year that it then had 150 LPEs, a figure it wants to double by spring 2017; this recruitment drive is the first part of that programme.

Juliet Haygarth, BMB’s chief executive, told Campaign that: "We take pride in what we do and how we do it. Unfortunately with Purplebricks, it became clear that our creative differences and ways of working were too far apart. We wish them well in the search for a new creative partner."

  • Terence Dicks

    Does that mean no more REALLY rubbish ads on tv for a while??

  • Kit Johnson

    And the little boy yelled "But the Emperor has no clothes !"


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