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Graham Awards


Agency says space for 1.4m new homes in 'high-density London'

Another 1.4m homes could be built across London if councils make better use of land and if local authority planners allowed higher density new-builds.

That is the verdict of high-end agency Savills which, with business group London first, has produced a report which claims that London “is actually not a dense city” compared to the likes of Paris and Madrid. 

The figure mooted by the agency is 1m more than the 400,000 new homes target in the current 10 year London Plan.


If housebuilding could be expanded to build just a tenth of these one million additional homes over the next 10 years, then London would be able to increase its housebuilding target to 52,000 new homes a year, says Savills. 

The report also claims higher density areas deliver many benefits to local residents, by creating the critical mass to support more shops, better and more diverse local services, and improved social and transport infrastructure.


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