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Graham Awards


Agents invited to Trading Standards review briefing

Agents and other property professionals are being invited to a briefing on how new trading standards guidance will affect the industry.

The briefing is being hosted by the Independent Network of Estate Agents, one of the bodies involved in the consultation on new draft guidelines drawn up by the National Trading Standards Estate Agency Team in Powys.

The session - to be held on Tuesday August 4 at 6pm in Action, west London - will discuss how the guidelines may effect agents, staff and clients. 



As previously reported on EAT, the guidelines will replace the current BPR and CPR guidance, and are likely to come into effect within the next few weeks once final consultations have been considered.

The event will be led by INEA founder Trevor Mealham. Those wishing to attend should email admin@inea.co.uk with their name, company name and contact details.

  • Trevor Mealham

    Thanks for the mention EAT. We will also be running over AML (money laundering procedure and protocol). The event is FREE, places already going.


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