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Minimalist living: Reduce clutter today

While you may not be a fan of the minimalist way of life per se, the bedroom is certainly a space that can benefit from less clutter. After all, it should be a place reserved completely for rest, with few (or no) distractions; it's definitely not a room for stashing your desk and computer.

If possible, keep your work space and your bedroom completely separate; switching off from work can be difficult enough without shutting down your computer so close to the eight hours or more spent during mind and body shut down'. Did you know that the pile of unwashed laundry in your bedroom, or those magazines messily stacked up on your bedside cabinet can, in fact, result in a disrupted night's sleep To help you create a cosy, relaxed environment in the bedroom, then, we've put together some handy pointers

Tackle Your Wardrobe First

Hands up if your wardrobe has turned into a dumping ground for carrier bags full of clothes destined for the charity shop, old unworn shoes, and coats, jackets and dresses you haven't worn since you could fit into them. We say it's definitely time for a clear out - and you need to be ruthless! Start by going through your old clothes; what do you still wear and what can you get rid of As a general rule of thumb, if you haven't worn it for over a year, you're probably not going to - get rid of it, unless it's sentimental and/or too expensive to just give away. Donate any items that no longer fit, organise a clothes swap' party with friends and family, or take to an online auction site with your old clobber in the hope of making some money. Do the same thing with your bedside cabinets. Are there things in your drawers you don't need to keep in the bedroom Move everything to its rightful place and enjoy the extra room.

Consider a TV Bed

Now, we're not saying a bog standard TV and separate bed frame is clutter - far from it, of course. But what we are suggesting is if you want your bedroom to be more minimalist' in style, combine your bed with a television, thanks to a great value TV bed. The good news is TV beds offer great value for money and can be delivered FREE, too.

Keep Bedside Tables Clear of Junk

So, you've tackled the wardrobe, which means overhauling your bedside cabinets will be a breeze in comparison. Start by removing any items that don't belong there; move books you've already read into another room, put lotions and potions back in the bathroom, and only keep must-have items in or on the cabinet to reduce clutter.

Choose Handy Under-Bed Storage

Got into the habit of just sliding all your junk under the bed If it's looking a mess under there, consider organising your bits and bobs into handy wicker baskets before putting them back under. Alternatively, have you considered a bed which comprises under-bed storage, like handy pull-out drawers You'll find plenty of conveniently-designed beds like this online to ensure creating a clutter-free bedroom is simple!


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