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Propertymark extends conference season

Propertymark has doubled its regional conference programme for 2023.

Working in partnership with Rightmove, the agency trade body will now host 10 regional conferences across the country from next month.

The conference programme has been designed to provide real world industry information with an emphasis on continuing professional development and best practice.


It will cover subjects such as compliance and tips on how to build highly competitive teams.

Propertymark members can also record their attendance as continuing professional development.

Members will receive a £100 conference credit, meaning that Propertymark members can attend a regional conference for free in 2023.

Jason Lee, commercial manager at Propertymark, said: “Following the highly successful Propertmark One conference back in June this year, we are now looking forward to bringing our regional conference programme to life. We have worked hard on bringing a vast array of leading industry figures to each event with the aim of knowledge sharing and providing a solid forum for discussion”.

Propertymark Regional Conferences

7 September 2023: Liverpool

14 September 2023: Newcastle

21 September 2023: Eastwood

28 September 2023: Southampton

5 October 2023: Guildford

12 October 2023: Glasgow

9 November 2023: Canterbury

14 November 2023: Harrogate

23 November 2023: Brighton

30 November 2023: Cambridge

For more details visit www.propertymark.co.uk/careers-learning/conferences.html


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