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Give It Away, a non-profit-making organisation that has already donated over £1m to charities with the help of estate agents, has launched another property project.

Charlotte Grobien, who founded Give It Away in 2005, has developed a series of homes in west London and the Home Counties - despite the downturn - with the aim of raising £1m for 14 charities. mostly dedicated to helping disadvantaged children.

She reached her goal in 2013 after eight years asking builders, surveyors, architects and yes, even estate agents, to give their time and materials either free of charge or at cost.

Now Grobien wants to continue raising funds through property development and has bought a large residential plot in Woking. The plan is to demolish the property on it and replace it with two four-bedroom detached houses; work is starting this month and the homes will be complete in the autumn.

“The previous houses we built in Woking sold well and we’re hoping for a repeat performance. Each house is approximately 1,800 square feet and there’s an amazing amount of garden and woodland space to the rear” explains Grobien.

Details of how you can help the new project and how Give It Away has operated - including a time when Charlotte Grobien was dismissed as “a handbag developer” - are on the organisation’s website, www.give-it-away.co.uk.


  • icon

    Oh, dear - you misunderstand the whole story and its topic.

    Read up on what you comment about to avoid looking a numpty.

    Apologies - that should have read "...MORE OF a numpty."

    • 13 January 2014 13:28 PM
  • icon

    Is there some sort of restriction on re-sale of the properties? My first house was a shared-ownership housing association property built specifically for locals on low-incomes. After we moved on 10 years later, several of the houses had been sold on the open market and turned into second homes. Not quite cricket, and should not have happened.

    • 13 January 2014 11:00 AM
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