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Martin McKenzie
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Martin McKenzie
Joshua, I now feel compelled to join your thread as some of the comments are misleading and untrue. Firstly, let me make this clear, unlike other national award schemes, allAgents.co.uk fund our awards in full and every agent listed on our website is entered free of charge. In this way we can guarantee that NO AGENT can influence the outcome. Whilst some firms have recognised the value in upgrading to our 'premium support plus' package, what you will find is that most of the award winners are actually free listing agents. Choices have won their awards on their own merit and on their customer feedback. No one from allAgents has ever met any of the staff or management team from Choices, including Simon Shinerock. The have achieved their recognition from their customers for their hard work and customer service excellence. Additionally, as a firm that are also members of our 'Transparent Agent Scheme' their reviews are subject to additional random moderation checks. Whereas we can accept or reject your critiques about allAgents, we are in agreement that Simon and Choices were well deserving of your apology. As you know we brought our concerns to you directly many months ago regarding your repeated 'most trustworthy' claims, however you chose to ignore them. It was also at the time when your firm was seeking crowd funding using these claims within your video pitch. It is also interesting to note that a lot of your opinions have changed since you approached allAgents requesting to work with us to help grow your own businesses, which as you know we declined. We have no issues with competition however we do have to draw a line when it comes to misleading consumers into believing that reviews on your website are 'more trustworthy' than ours. Martin McKenzie allAgents.co.uk

From: Martin McKenzie 16 September 2015 13:03 PM

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