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Kate Wilson
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Kate Wilson
As someone who works in the industry and just gone through the process it is interesting to read some of the comments. What started out as a simple cash sale - buyer was qualified having the monies in the bank - it then became demand after demand for every single piece of paper issued and a refusal to agree to an exchange date (despite the buyers protestations she wanted a quick completeion - which we also needed) until the Buyers Solicitor had every single Fensa/Gas Safe/Building regs/EICR etc certificate despite them all being on the register and would not budge without them - I even had to pay £20 for a Fensa certificate for a window that no longer exsisted (superceded by an extension so is now a doorway) as they refused to accept that they didn't need it as the window no longer existed (that was a circle we went round a few times!). I would have gladly paid for an up-front pack with everything in and have, in return, confidence that the process could give me some protection when said cash sale suddenly (on the day my Solicitor) ended up with a related sale and the buyer suddenly needed 3 weeks to tie it up despite us having moved out of the property due to emigrating....we end up paying a mortgage along with the associated costs a month longer because we had no other option than to keep going with Sale and there is abolutely no come back on the buyer or her Solicitor. I can honestly say the house seling process is fundamentally broke and affords no protection whatsoever to the seller and is made a lot more stressful by jobsworths who use the job title 'Solicitor'. Transparency and honesty are two words that mean nothing to a LOT of people in the Housing industry. The whole process needs tearing down and rebuilding.....

From: Kate Wilson 02 July 2018 14:48 PM

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