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7 Ways to Increase the Value of your Home

16 June 2015 5400 Views
7 Ways to Increase the Value of your Home

A house is pretty much the largest investment a person will make in their lifetime, and it’s natural to want the largest return possible on your money when you come to sell it in the future.

Preparing your home for the market can require a great amount of your resources, but there are key aspects and small improvements that you can focus on to give your property value a little boost when it's needed most.

Here are sevensure-fire ways to increase the value of your home, and help you get the most out of your money.

1. Clean it up
The first step, and the cheapest, is to simply clean up. Get the property - the inside and the outside – nice, clean and tidy.

Inside the home, declutter and organise wherever possible, this will make the house appear more spacious and attractive. Give the house a thorough spring clean and pay special attention to noticeable details like appliances, floors and windows.

A clean home indicates it has been well maintained, therefore makes it much more attractive to buyers.

Outdoors should be maintained and free of junk and debris that may be considered an eyesore. Make sure the front entrance is clear and in good repair; you could even consider a fresh coat of paint for the front door to make it more inviting.

2. Paint is your new best friend
Almost everything looks better with a fresh coat of paint. Use this fact to your advantage, and take the opportunity to spruce a few things up.

A fresh coat of paint throughout the whole house in a fresh, neutral colourwill not only leave it looking its best, it’ll also appeal to new buyers because the work is done and the house is ready to move into.

While you’ve got your paintbrush to hand take the time to touch up any spots needing attention on the doors, baseboards, windowsills, fence posts and anything else you see that could use an instant facelift.

3. Bathrooms sell homes
It has been said time and time again that bathrooms sell homes. This being said, it’s important to make sure your bathrooms are looking good and functioning as well as they possibly can.

A full bathroom remodel can be quite costly, so if that's just not in the budget there are smaller improvements that can be made that will still greatly affect the appearance of the space.

If you’re unable to update the main fixtures in the room try updating smaller characteristics like the lighting fixtures, a tub refinishing, new vanity, or fresh coat of paint. All of these things can make a huge difference in freshening up the look of a tired bathroom, and any money invested into the space gives a great return on property value.

4. Energy efficiency
Eco friendly and energy efficient options are a great investment when trying to raise the value of your home. Anything that’s environmentally friendly and will help lower the utilities will add value to your home.

Some energy efficient accessories you may want to consider include ceiling fans for light and temperature management, solar powered outdoor lighting for the garden and walkway, low flow showerheads and toilets to aid in water conservation, and a new updated thermostat. Energy efficiency equates to cost efficiency, and both are appealing to homeowners.

5. Kitchens also sell homes
The kitchen is often the focal point of the home, and is a major selling factor. Kitchens need to be both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional, meaning every penny spent on kitchen updates will reflect directly on the value of the house.

A lot of money can be spent renovating kitchens because cupboards, counters and appliances are all large ticket items.

If budget is a concern, try replacing the most antiquated appliance, painting the cupboard doors or updating flooring can make a huge statement.

6. Curb appeal
It is very important for homes, especially homes on the market, to have good curb appeal. Curb appeal refers to the appearance of the outside of your home, the overall condition and the landscaping. There are many projects, both small and large scale that will improve the look of the outside of the house. A fresh coat of paint, some new shutters, trimming the hedges and trees, and some bright colourful flowers can really give your property value the boost you're looking for. A lot of landscaping can be done by yourself, giving you great return on the investment of your time.

7. Saving money
Although your main aim will certainly be to make the most from your sale, there’s nothing stopping you from saving money during, what is normally a very expensive time. Online conveyancers make the buying and selling of houses much more convenient and affordable. Forget face to face meetings and the spending of unnecessary cash, you pay nothing but the price you see and you can access your documents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The elimination of the postal service and meetings means that the whole process can be completed much more quickly and efficiently.

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